该特色仪器由Jan beiikovsky & Stanislav Hüttl & Petr Šefl, Hradec Králové于2005年建造。它的原型是德国式的双手动羽管键琴,这是一种保存在夏洛滕堡的历史乐器,由迈克尔·米特克(柏林)于1710年建造。我们所记录的现代复制品的测量方法取自这个历史工具,它作为模板。弦是黄铜做的。调优设置为原来的415赫兹。罗盘是FF-f3,配置I 8´,I 4´,II 8´,II buff stop (Laute)。手动耦合器。
这架羽管键琴的历史原件(模板)现在保存在夏洛滕堡的柏林国立博物馆。它是由Michael Mietke在1703-1713年间建造的。这种估计是基于这样一个事实,即羽管键琴在1713年之前必须被更换,而它最初的指南针被认为是在1703年之后。这种乐器被称为“黑色羽管键琴”。最初,它的罗盘是FF,GG,AA-c3(54个音符),音高为A = 395- 400hz的黄铜弦。后来在18世纪,指南针被扩展到FF,GG-e3(59个音符)。键盘向低音方向移动了两段琴弦。desot弦改为铁弦,音调调高至415hz。
P2P | 26 November 2022 | 4.35 GB
The featured instrument was built by the workshop Jan Bečička & Stanislav Hüttl & Petr Šefl, Hradec Králové, in 2005.It is modelled according to the two-manual harpsichord of a German type, the historical instrument conserved at Charlottenburg, built by Michael Mietke (Berlin) in about 1710. The measures of the modern replica we recorded are taken from this historical instrument which served as a template. Strings are from brass. Tuning was set to the original 415 Hz. The compass is FF-f3 with disposition I 8´, I 4´, II 8´, II buff stop (Laute). Manual coupler.
The instrument is remarkable by warm, gentle, colorful sound, which, especially in descant is not that sharp and strident, but more piano-like.
The historical original (the template) of this harpsichord is today in the ownership of Staatliche Schloesser und Museen, Berlin, deposited in Charlottenburg. It was built between 1703-1713 by Michael Mietke. This estimation is based on the fact, that harpsichord had to be japanned before 1713 and its original compass is thought to be later than 1703. The instrument is mentioned as „the black harpsichord.“ Originally, its compass was FF,GG,AA-c3 (fifty-four notes), strings from brass with pitch A = 395-400 Hz. Later in the eighteenth century, the compass was extended to FF,GG-e3 (fifty-nine notes). The keyboards were moved two courses of strings towards the bass. Descant strings changed to iron ones and the pitch was set higher to 415 Hz.
The harpsichord was originally made for Queen Sophia Dorothea of Hanover, mother of Frederick the Great, and placed in her private palace of Monbijou and worked on by Johann Rost in 1720. It was brought to Charlottenburg Castle in modern times.