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Ueberschall Rare Grooves Vol. 3 ELASTIK


稀有凹槽卷。 3个
稀有凹槽卷。 3 提供了一次回到 1970 年代灵魂乐和放克经典声音的声音之旅。 在卷。 3,更多的慢节奏律动为感觉增添了一丝蓝调。 然而,永恒的灵魂鼓声、流畅的低音线和受放克启发的电吉他——以及录音过程中使用的磁带注入模拟信号链——将保证你创作的音乐带有真实的复古灵魂音。

该库包含分布在五个构建工具包中的 645 个循环,总容量为 3.5 GB。 乐器部分以电吉他和贝司为特色,伴有风琴、弦乐和电钢琴。 鼓作为两个预混循环(一个有混响,一个没有)以及低音鼓(输入和输出)、军鼓(顶部、底部和触发器)、踩镲、铙钹、通鼓、头顶和房间的单轨提供。 五个构建套件的节奏跨越 60-94 BPM 范围,给人一种悠闲的感觉。 每个套件都提供 3 到 5 个主要部分以及前奏和外奏。 每个部分还提供大量的表演变化,一些循环长度可达 16 小节(32 秒),从而可以轻松构建完整的歌曲格式编曲。

如果您想添加自己的处理选择,可以使用吉他和电贝司的 DI 选项。 然而,麦克风和放大器的录音提供了只有优秀的电子管放大器才能提供的温暖、饱和的声音。 稀有凹槽卷。 3 可以毫不费力地将真正的 70 年代初期录音的绝妙声音特征带入您自己的作品中。

如果你喜欢慢节奏的放克灵魂蓝调,Rare Grooves Vol. 3拥有一切。 对于想要添加自己的声乐顶线以创作真正的 70 年代灵魂经典的制作人来说,这是一个很好的创意来源。 如果您只需要在现代项目中加入一点复古风味,它也可以使用。 稀有凹槽卷。 3 是媒体作曲家在下一个配乐项目中需要一些老派灵魂的理想选择。 两个 Vols 的完美补充。 1 和 2,稀有凹槽卷。 3 将为任何音乐项目提供完美的悠闲灵魂和放克。


Rare Grooves Vol. 3
Rare Grooves Vol. 3 provides a sonic trip back to the classic sound of 1970s soul and funk. In Vol. 3, the more down-tempo grooves add a hint of blues to the feel. However, the timeless soul drumbeats, smooth bass lines and funk-inspired electric guitars – alongside the tape-infused analog signal chain used in the recording process – will guarantee the music you create is dialed in with an authentic vintage soul sound.

Cool Laid-Back Soul Grooves
The library contains 645 loops spread across five construction kits and a total of 3.5 GB. The instrument section features electric guitars and basses accompanied by organs, strings and electric pianos. Drums are provided as two premixed loops (one with reverb, one without) as well as single tracks for bass drum (in and out), snare drum (top, bottom and trigger), hihat, cymbals, toms, overheads and room. Tempos across the five construction kits span the 60-94 BPM range, giving a laid-back feel. Each of the kits provides between 3 to 5 main sections as well as intros and outros. Each section also provides plenty of performance variation with some loops up to 16 bars (32 seconds) in length, making it easy to build full song-format arrangements.

Soul Meets Funk Meets Blues
If you want to add your own choice of processing, DI’ed options for guitars and electric bass are included. However, the mic’ed and amped recordings deliver the warm, saturated, sound that only a great tube amp can provide. Rare Grooves Vol. 3 can bring the fabulous sonic character of a genuine early 70s recording into your own productions with a minimum of fuss.

Flexible Format for Full Productions
If you are in the mood for some down-tempo funk-soul-blues, Rare Grooves Vol. 3 has it all. It’s a great source of ideas for producers wanting to add their own vocal topline to create a genuine 70s soul classic. It would also work if you just need to drop a little vintage flavour into a modern project. Rare Groove Vol. 3 is an ideal option for media composers needing some old-school soul for their next scoring project. A perfect complement to both Vols. 1 and 2, Rare Grooves Vol. 3 will deliver a perfect slice of laid-back soul and funk to any musical project.

Instruments played by Kai Reuter

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