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The Sample Lab CONFESSIONS (Compositions & Stems) WAV

WAV | 2.19 GB

Confessions 的灵感来自流行音乐、Post 和 Emo Punk 流派,以及另类音乐领域的其他流派。

每个样本都由美妙旋律的吉他即兴重复段组成,这些重复段以巧妙的方式交织在一起,创造出有意义且充满情感的质感和音墙。 此外,样本演变成严重失真的合唱部分,以获得最终的能量和影响。

每个样品都可以根据您的生产需求进行定制。 它们不仅适用于上述流派,而且适用于更经典的流行音乐、Trap、R&B 甚至现代摇滚。

主清关是有保证的。 所有样本都是 BPM 和键标记和格式。


Confessions is inspired by the Pop, Post and Emo Punk genres, among others in the Alternative music lane.

Each sample is composed of gorgeously melodic guitar riffs weaved together in artful ways to create meaningful and emotional textures and walls of sound. Additionally, the samples evolve into heavily distorted chorus sections for ultimate energy and impact.

Each of the samples can be tailored to fit your production needs. They will work perfectly not only for the genres mentioned above but also for more classic Pop, Trap, R&B, and even Modern Rock.

Master clearance is guaranteed. All samples are BPM and key-labelled and formatted.

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