06/05/2023 | WAV | 506 MB
Sleazy Beats 2 是一个多样化且不和谐的合集,涵盖了最好的 lo-fi 节拍场景,带着精选的朦胧钩子、星光般的氛围、尘土飞扬的 MPC 鼓和乡村风格的重制旋律回归。 Sleazy Beats 2 超过 800mb,是对大胆、前瞻性制作的颂歌,融合了嘻哈、洛杉矶节拍、trip-hop、未来节拍等元素。
Sleazy Beats 2 拥有全新的内容和材料,是大量稀有合成器、12 位采样器、工作室会话和破旧的外接器培养的真正热爱劳动的结果。 从尘土飞扬的琴键、重新制作的音乐包、坚韧不拔的琴键、古怪的人声和圆锥破裂的鼓点。
A diverse and dissonant collection covering the very best the lo-fi beat scene, Sleazy Beats 2 returns with a grab bag selection of hazy hooks, astral atmospheres, dusty MPC drums, and rustic reworked melodics. Stacked over 800mb, Sleazy Beats 2 is an ode to bold, forward-thinking production, subsuming elements from hip hop, LA beats, trip-hop, future beats and beyond.
Featuring fresh new content and material Sleazy Beats 2 is the result of a true labour of love fostered by a host of rare synths, 12-bit samplers, studio sessions, and battered outboard. From dusty keys, reworked music kits, gritty keys, quirky vocals, and cone cracking drum hits.