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Aberrant DSP Tectonic v1.0 WiN/macOS

114 MB

Tectonic 是一个多频段音调塑形通道条。 Tectonic 结合了均衡、成像和动态处理,是一个完整的声音工具包,适用于从微妙的甜美到整体音调转换的任何事物。



– 4 段向上/向下压缩
– 提升频段向上+向下压缩
– 每频段 -12 dB 至 12 dB 微调增益
– 每组相邻频段之间的可选过渡频率
– 每频段静音、独奏和处理旁路
– 每个频段的中/侧声像器,允许独立立体声缩小和扩大每个频率范围
– 主混音、输入增益和输出增益
– 六种风格选择来调整动态处理的感觉和强度
– 带有 65 个工厂预设的自定义预设系统展示了 Tectonic 广泛的音色塑造能力

### 技术信息


Tectonic 支持以下格式和操作系统

Windows 10 或更高版本——64 位 VST3 和 AAX

macOS 10.12 Sierra 到 macOS 13 Ventura——Intel 或 Apple Silicon——64 位的 AU、VST3 和 AAX

要将 Tectonic 安装到您的计算机上,只需运行适用于您的操作系统的安装程序包。

在将插件加载到项目之前,请重新启动您的数字音频工作站。 在 macOS 上,您可能需要重新启动计算机才能使新插件出现在某些主机中。


Tectonic is a multi-band toneshaping channel strip. Combining equalization, imaging, and dynamics processing, Tectonic is a complete sonic toolkit for anything from subtle sweetening to total tonal transformation.



– 4 bands of upward / downward compression
– Boosting a band applies upward + downward compression
– Cutting a band applies only downward compression
– -12 dB to 12 dB trim gain per band
– Selectable transition frequency between each set of adjacent bands
– Per band Mute, Solo, and processing Bypass
– Mid / Side panner per band, allowing independent stereo narrowing and widening of each frequency range
– Master mix, input gain, and output gain
– Six style selections to adjust the feel and intensity of the dynamics processing
– Custom preset system with 65 factory presets illustrating Tectonic’s wide range of toneshaping abilities

### Technical Info

To access your files after ordering: Go to My Account > Downloads

Tectonic supports the following formats and operating systems

Windows 10 or later — VST3 and AAX at 64-bit

macOS 10.12 Sierra through macOS 13 Ventura — Intel or Apple Silicon — AU, VST3, and AAX at 64-bit

To install Tectonic onto your computer, simply run the installer package for your OS.

Restart your digital audio workstation before loading in the plugin to a project. On macOS, you may need to restart your computer for new plugins to appear in some hosts.


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