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Aveiro Apocrypha Titans WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 31 May 2023 | 843.97 MB

Apocrypha Titans,是开始。 保费分期付款。 受泰坦的壮丽启发的声音,将带您进入人类的黄金时代和希腊神灵的第一个万神殿。 拥有难以置信的力量和知识的不朽巨人将引导您进入下一个音乐创作。 泰坦之王兼时间之父“克洛诺斯”、生育与女性泰坦“瑞亚”、天上星座泰坦“克里奥斯”、记忆化身“摩涅莫绪涅”、光与智慧泰坦“许伯利翁”, “忒伊亚”是明眼泰坦,“伊阿佩托斯”是凡人泰坦,“忒弥斯”是审判泰坦,“科俄斯”是天之轴泰坦,“菲比”是光明与预言泰坦,“特提斯”是 “Okeanos”世界海洋的妻子。


Apocrypha Titans, is the beginning. A premium installment. Sounds inspired by the magnificence of the Titans, will set you in the Golden Age of men and the first pantheon of Greek deities. Immortal giants possessing incredible strength and knowledge, will guide you into your next musical creation. “Kronos” the King of the Titans and Father of Time, “Rhea” the Titaness of Fertility and Women, “Krios” the Titan of heavenly Constellations, “Mnemosyne” the personification of Memory, “Hyperion” the Titan of Light and Wisdom, “Theia” the Titaness of clear Sight, “Iapetos” the Titan of Mortality, “Themis” the Titaness of Judgement, “Koios” the Titan of the axis of Heaven, “Phoebe” the Titaness of Brightness and Prophecy, “Tethys” the wife of “Okeanos” the world Ocean.

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