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动漫音效库 – Pro Sound Effects Anime WAV

P2P | 7 July 2023 | 3.95 GB

利用动漫的爆炸性能量进行创造和破坏——适合各种内容创作者的首选动漫音效库。 以新鲜而现代的方式创作出典型的日本动漫声音,并受到《新世纪福音战士》、《龙珠 Z》、《Trigun》、《星际牛仔》等作品的启发,您将拥有制作正宗复古卡通美学所需的工具。 使用受动漫声音设计中既定比喻启发的表现主义和情感声音为您的项目添加个性。

Anime 库由 Jason Strawley 和 Andrew Garraway 使用 Eurorack 模块化合成器和 Moog Matriarch 录制和制作。 经过数月的研究、试验和错误,并在标志性的复古“动漫声音”上进行磨练,这个库包含了温暖的模拟电击、极端爆炸、嘶嘶声、冲击波、武器、运动声音等。 还提供了一些精选的声音,以及使用磁带处理的替代版本,以获得稍微清脆和温暖的效果。 将熟悉的高压、粗糙失真添加到您的视频游戏、电影、电视节目、动画、视频等中。

“我们花了几个月的时间试图找出到底是什么让动漫听起来如此独特。 关于这些声音是如何产生的,目前还没有大量的信息。 我们知道,这些声音大多是合成的,而且通常不像我们在西方娱乐中听到的那样真实。 除此之外,我们所要做的就是进行内部嗅觉测试,‘这听起来像动漫吗?’”——杰森·斯特劳利

每个声音文件都嵌入了丰富的元数据,可帮助您通过快速、精确的搜索找到所需的确切声音效果。 高级元数据字段确保跨任何数据库搜索平台的兼容性,例如 SoundQ、Soundminer、BaseHead、Netmix、Workspace (Pro Tools)、Find Tool (Media Composer)、Media Bay (Nuendo)、REAPER、Adobe Premiere 等。

657 个文件 (4.8GB)
包括 189 个复制到磁带的文件
468 个独特的文件
24 位/48kHz、24 位/96kHz WAV 文件
100% 免版税


Create and destroy with the explosive energy of Anime – a go-to anime sound effects library for content creators of all kinds. With quintessential Japanese anime sounds created with a fresh and modern approach and inspired by works like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Dragon Ball Z, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop and more, you’ll be equipped with the tools you need to craft an authentic retro cartoon aesthetic. Add character to your projects using expressionistic and emotive sounds inspired by established tropes in anime sound design.

The Anime library was recorded and produced by Jason Strawley and Andrew Garraway using Eurorack modular synthesizers and a Moog Matriarch. Created after months of research, trial and error, and honing in on the iconic vintage “anime sound,” this library packs a punch with warm analog zaps, extreme explosions, whooshes, shockwaves, weaponry, movement sounds and more. A select number of sounds are also provided with alternate versions processed using tape for a slightly crunchier and warmer effect. Add that familiar high-voltage, gritty distortion to your video games, movies, TV shows, animations, videos and beyond.

“We spent months trying to hit upon what exactly makes anime sound so distinct. There isn’t a wealth of information out there about how these sounds were created. We knew going into it that the sounds were mostly synthesized, and often less literal than what we’d hear in Western entertainment. Beyond that, all we had to go off of was our in-house smell test of ‘does it sound like anime?’” – Jason Strawley

Each sound file is embedded with rich metadata to help you find the exact sound effect you need with fast, pinpoint search. Advanced metadata fields ensure compatibility across any database search platform such as SoundQ, Soundminer, BaseHead, Netmix, Workspace (Pro Tools), Find Tool (Media Composer), Media Bay (Nuendo), REAPER, Adobe Premiere, and beyond.
Key Features:

657 files (4.8GB)
Includes 189 duplicate files mastered to tape
468 unique files
24-bit/48kHz, 24-bit/96kHz WAV files
Descriptive embedded metadata
Universal Category System (UCS) ?
100% Royalty-Free

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