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F9 Neptune MPC Expansion WiN

MPC Expansion WiN | 2.77 GB

继适用于 MPC 的 F9 Instruments Vol1 取得巨大成功之后,我们踏上了开发第 2 卷的鼓舞人心的旅程,现在已经准备好让 MPC 社区着迷。

F9 Neptune for MPC 是从头开始设计的,旨在为您提供一些最鼓舞人心、最详细和最大气的键盘补丁。 MPC 平台的 Keygroup 引擎使我们能够将这些作为循环、可播放的补丁提供,几乎立即让您的旋律和和弦栩栩如生,并为您节省数小时的预设潜水时间。

该包包括 18 个 MPC 套件和 11 个鼓和 FX 菜单。 加上 17 个低音音色,它们提供了令人难以置信的强大节奏部分,从一开始就为您的制作奠定了基础。 这些声音是您创造情感、音乐节拍所需的全部。

该包的制作和编辑源自经典和现代的合成器硬件、原声/电钢琴和乐器,耗时超过 18 个月。 所有补丁均采用当代数字技术的高度完成。 由此产生的补丁集合为所有流派的制作人带来了现代的声音调色板,旨在轻松融入当代混音,而无需麻烦或压力。


这种独特的 MPC 扩展包括:

5.5Gb+ MPC 扩展(已安装)
超过 100 种完全可演奏的 MPC 按键组乐器
18 套鼓
11 个鼓和 FX 菜单
每个补丁/套件的全套 Qlink 宏

F9 海王星钥匙

该合集的核心由 54 个键盘音色、23 个拨弦音色和 9 个钢琴音色组成。 每个琴键都经过多达三层的重新采样和后期制作,与情感和弦、自然的动作和富有表现力的声音产生共鸣。 通过使用 MPC Keygroup 层的循环功能,我们可以在 5.9Gb 的多样本中创建丰富的音景,并很自豪地向您展示一系列我们认为胜过其他任何乐器的 MPC 乐器。

F9 海王星钢琴


F9 海王星拨片

弹拨乐器在现代作品中的兴起是不可否认的。 通过我们的收藏,我们深入研究了民族弦乐资源、混合木槌、重新想象的吉他、空灵的数字合成器组合和物理建模的独特融合。 使用这些独特的音色让您的音景栩栩如生。 将其中的第二层,将它们平移,并发现显着的结果。

F9 海王星套件

我们的 18 个 Neptune 套件融合了现代与经典,提供了一套多样化的节拍套件,可以与最好的套件抗衡。 每个套件都经过精心处理,强调瞬态和细节,使这些套件成为节奏灵感的一站式商店。 所有鼓和 FX 声音都包含在 11 个附加菜单音色中,用于有节奏的配音,激发您的创造力。

F9 Neptune 贝斯

17 个低音音色涵盖了您的音乐可能需要的所有亚音速要素。 仔细的采样、制作和内部 FX 处理为较低的八度音程提供了柔和的音色,但又不过分。 MPC Keygroup 引擎再次证明了它的实力,提供了充足的低端动力。


主要音频演示是使用 F9 Neptune for MPC 的声音(每个鼓声、乐器和 FX/One shot)创建的。
您在演示中听到的音乐的 MIDI 信息不包含在此版本中。


Following the enormous success of F9 Instruments Vol1 for the MPC, we embarked on an inspiring journey to develop volume 2, now ready to enchant the MPC community.

F9 Neptune for MPC was designed from the ground up to offer you some of the most inspiring, detailed and atmospheric keyboard patches possible. The MPC platform’s Keygroup engine allows us to deliver these as round-robin, playable patches that will bring your melodies and chords to life almost instantly and save you hours of preset diving.

The pack includes 18 MPC Kits and 11 Drum and FX Menus. Coupled with 17 Bass patches, these provide an incredibly robust rhythm section that grounds your production from the start. These sounds are all you need to create emotional, musical beats.

Sourced from classic and modern synth hardware, acoustic / electric pianos and instruments, production and editing of this pack took well over 18 months. All patches were finalised using the height of contemporary digital technology. The resulting patch collection brings producers of all genres a modern palette of sounds designed to fit inside contemporary mixes without hassle or stress.

Explore the breadth and beauty of this collection in our comprehensive audio demos.

This unique MPC expansion includes:

5.5Gb+ MPC Expansion (installed)
Over 100 Fully playable MPC Keygroup instruments
18 Drum Kits
11 Drum and FX menus
Full set of Qlink macros for each patch/Kit
Audio previews for all patches, kits, menus and kit sequences

F9 Neptune Keys

This collection’s core consists of 54 Keyboard patches, 23 Pluck, and 9 Piano patches. Each key, subjected to up to three layers of re-sampling and post-production, resonates with emotional chords, natural movements, and expressive sonics. By using the round-robin capabilities of the MPC Keygroup layers, we can create a lush soundscape within the 5.9Gb of multi-samples and are proud to present you a collection of MPC instruments that we feel beats anything else out there.

F9 Neptune Pianos

Dusty grand pianos that sound like they are playing from a Havanna backroom meet dusty practice-room uprights whilst the vibrating tines of electric pianos processed through analogue chorus pedals ( combined with layers of atmospherics ) will allow your chord sequences and melodies to shine.

F9 Neptune Plucks

The rise of pluck instruments in modern productions is undeniable. With our collection, we delve into a unique blend of ethnic string sources, hybrid mallets, re-imagined guitars, ethereal digital synth combinations, and physical modelling. Use these distinct patches to bring your soundscape to life. Layer two of these, pan them wide, and discover remarkable results.

F9 Neptune Kits

Our 18 Neptune kits blend the modern with the classic, providing a diverse set of beat kits that can hold their own against the best. Each kit has been meticulously processed, emphasising transients and details, making these kits a one-stop shop for rhythmical inspiration. All drum and FX sounds are included in 11 additional menu patches for rhythmic overdubs, igniting your creativity.

F9 Neptune Basses

The 17 Bass patches range across all the subsonic essentials your music may require. Careful sampling, production, and internal FX processing deliver velvety tones for the lower octave without overdoing it. Once again, the MPC Keygroup engine proves its mettle, providing an abundance of low-end power.

Please note:

The main audio demo was created with sounds F9 Neptune for MPC ( every drum sound, instrument and FX / One shot ).
Additional mixing, arranging and editing was applied to create the final demo.
The midi information for the music you hear in the demos is not contained in this release.

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