08/09/2023 | WAV, MIDI, Presets | 541 MB
Night Transmission 提供了一系列复古节奏、史诗般的音乐堆栈和朗朗上口的旋律,融合了前卫流行音乐和怀旧合成波的世界。 从模拟合成器、充满活力的琶音、复古未来的旋律、巨大的鼓节奏、充满动词的填充以及充满 80 年代风格的旋律……带有调性标签并以令人惊叹的 24 位 Wav 呈现。
Night Transmission 提供一系列精心制作和策划的声音,以捕捉多流派制作的氛围。 该包包括干鼓循环和音乐套件、鼓点、机器鼓滚动和效果,以实现完全控制和即时灵感
138 循环
84 一击
31 种血清预设
29 个 Astra 预设
Night Transmission offers with a collection of retro-tinged beats,, epic music stacks and catchy hook-laden melodics blending the world of forward thinking pop and nostalgic-inpsired synthwave. From analog-emulated synths, vibrant arps, retro-future melodics, monstrous drum grooves, verb-drenched fills, and melodies drenched with 80s flair.. Key-labeled and presented in stunning 24-bit Wav.
Night Transmission delivers an array of sounds expertly crafted and curated to capture the vibe aimed for multi-genre productions. The pack includes stemmed drum loops and music kits, drum hits, machine drum rolls, and fx for complete control and instant inspiration
138 loops
84 one shots
31 Serum presets
29 Astra presets