FANTASTiC | 11 September 2023 | 564 MB
这是一种强硬的练习音乐。 号角、铃铛、小提琴和吉他营造出一种即时的史诗般的感觉。 当与呼呼的贝斯线和复杂的鼓音槽搭配使用时,该包将轻松地在您的样本库中找到家。 LOUD 利用新浪潮的声音,通过轻弹这些英雄样本来走在潮流的前面。
This is hard-hitting drill music. Horns, bells, violins, and guitars create an instant epic feeling across the board. When paired with whirring bass lines and intricate drum grooves this pack will find a home in your sample library with ease. LOUD harnesses that new wave sound, and get ahead of the curve by having a flick through these heroic samples.