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Jammcard Samples Munir Hossn Samba Street WAV

DRUGGYAUDIOZ | 10 September 2023 | 1.19GB

Samba Street 是由 Munir Hossn 精心创作的声音合集。 它准确地代表了穆尼尔的多元化文化背景和艺术才华,揭示了他在音乐中令人难以置信的非洲、意大利、中东和巴西土著传统的融合,无可否认,其原创性和深刻的真实性。 该样本包包含丰富的正宗巴西节奏、旋律和乐器,经过精心制作,可为您的下一首曲目提供灵感。 它包含将巴西充满活力的声音融入您的音乐所需的一切,从桑巴和巴萨诺瓦的感染性节拍到其他当地子流派。

所有样品都经过细致的记录和处理,以确保最大的真实性和质量。 无论您是制作拉丁风格的流行音乐、舞曲还是电子音乐,此样本包都是您工具包的完美补充。

Munir Hossn 是一位屡获殊荣的制作人、作曲家和多乐器演奏家。 他曾与 Quincy Jones、Hermeto Pascoal、Gilberto Gil、Jacob Collier、Maro、Ibrahim Maalouf、Concha Buika、Nella、Joe Zawinul Syndicate、Didier Lockwood、Alfredo Rodriguez 等许多人合作过。 穆尼尔的音乐融合了独特的文化影响,证明了他的创造性艺术才华以及他对真实性和品质的承诺。

所有声音均 100% 免版税,每个循环和单次播放都经过精心制作、策划和节奏同步,以便于使用。

481 样品


Samba Street is a meticulously crafted collection of sounds composed by Munir Hossn. It accurately represents Munir’s diverse cultural background and artistry, revealing his incredible mix of African, Italian, Middle-Eastern, and Brazilian Indigenous heritage in his music, which is undeniably original and deeply authentic. This sample pack is a rich collection of authentic Brazilian rhythms, melodies, and instruments, expertly crafted to inspire your next track. It includes everything you need to infuse your music with the vibrant sounds of Brazil, from the infectious beats of samba and bossa nova to other local subgenres.

All of the samples have been recorded and processed with meticulous attention to detail to ensure maximum authenticity and quality. Whether you’re producing Latin-inspired pop, dance, or electronic music, this sample pack is the perfect addition to your toolkit.

Munir Hossn is an award-winning producer, composer, and multi-instrumentalist. He has collaborated with Quincy Jones, Hermeto Pascoal, Gilberto Gil, Jacob Collier, Maro, Ibrahim Maalouf, Concha Buika, Nella, Joe Zawinul Syndicate, Didier Lockwood, Alfredo Rodriguez, and many others. With a unique blend of cultural influences, Munir’s music is a testament to his creative artistry and his commitment to authenticity and quality.

All sounds are 100% royalty-free and every loop and one-shot has been meticulously crafted, curated and tempo-synced for ease of use.

481 Samples

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