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现实和科幻爆炸音效 – David Dumais Audio Explosion SFX Pack WAV

24-bit / 96 kHz – 2,47 GB

探索各种适合现实和科幻爆炸的声音。 获取满足您所有破坏需求的声音,包括手榴弹、撕裂木材、破碎玻璃、水下鱼雷爆炸、远处爆炸尾部以及汽车和建筑物拆除等。 这些声音经过专业录制和设计,是让您的游戏达到您想要的完美效果的必备要素。

获得一整套独特的原创爆炸音效。 Explosion SFX Pack 中的所有声音均可拖放以供您的项目使用。 每个音频文件都可以轻松搜索,因为它们都经过精心分类,可以轻松找到适合您项目的完美声音。

也在寻找原始录音吗? 我们已经为您提供了保障。 Explosion SFX Pack 包括一些原始录音以及用于设计声音包的设计元素。

– 1200 多种音效,您可以直接导入到您的项目中
– 玻璃、金属、木材、水下、科幻和现实爆炸,满足您的所有破坏需求
– 超过 2.5GB 的 HQ 音频内容
– 超级 HQ 音频以 192k 32 位录制和设计,并以 96k 24 位交付
– 轻松快速地查找具有丰富嵌入元数据的声音(Soundminer、Basehead、Soundly 和 BWF)

– 奖励内容(共 132 个文件)
– 设计玻璃(共 49 个文件)
– 设计影响(共 112 个文件)
– 设计金属(共 61 个文件)
– 设计科幻(共 138 个文件)
– 设计的快照(共 37 个文件)
– 设计的尾巴(共 142 个文件)
– 设计瞬态(共 44 个文件)
– 水下设计(共 78 个文件)
– 设计木材(共 53 个文件)
– 爆炸破坏性(共 39 个文件)
– 爆炸玻璃(共 18 个文件)
– 爆炸金属(共 42 个文件)
– 逼真爆炸(共 110 个文件)
– 爆炸科幻小说(共 87 个文件)
– 水下爆炸(共 49 个文件)
– 爆炸木头(共 18 个文件)


Discover a wide range of sounds perfect for realistic and sci-fi explosions. Acquire sounds for all your destruction needs including grenades, ripping wood, shattering glass, underwater torpedo blasts, distant explosive tails, as well as car and building demolitions among many others. Professionally recorded and designed, these sounds are a must-have to bring your game the polish you are looking for.

Get a complete arsenal of unique and original explosion sound effects. All sounds in Explosion SFX Pack are drag-and-drop ready for your project. Every audio file is easily searchable as they were meticulously organized into categories to make it easy to find the perfect sound for your project.

Looking for raw recordings as well? We’ve got you covered. Explosion SFX Pack includes some of the original recordings as well as designed elements used to design the sound pack.

– 1200+ sound effects that you can import directly into your project
– Glass, Metal, Wood, Underwater, Sci-Fi, and Realistic Explosions for all your destruction needs
– Over 2.5GB of HQ audio content
– Super HQ audio recorded and designed at 192k 32bit and delivered at 96k 24bit
– Easily and quickly find sounds with richly embedded metadata (Soundminer, Basehead, Soundly, and BWF)

Included in this pack: 
– Bonus Content (132 files total)
– Designed Glass (49 files total)
– Designed Impacts (112 files total)
– Designed Metal (61 files total)
– Designed Sci-Fi (138 files total)
– Designed Snaps (37 files total)
– Designed Tails (142 files total)
– Designed Transients (44 files total)
– Designed Underwater (78 files total)
– Designed Wood (53 files total)
– Explosions Destructive (39 files total)
– Explosions Glass (18 files total)
– Explosions Metal (42 files total)
– Explosions Realistic (110 files total)
– Explosions Sci-Fi (87 files total)
– Explosions Underwater (49 files total)
– Explosions Wood (18 files total)

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