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ModeAudio Ceremony Ambient Guitar Loops WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 25 October 2023 | 688.89 MB

ModeAudio 中的“仪式 – 环境吉他循环”从扬声器发出的光束就像新黎明的第一道微妙光线,让您的作品沐浴在器乐无人机和 6 弦纹理的高亢宁静声音中。

这个史诗般的 1GB 免版税音乐循环合集专注于电吉他永恒的音色,提供色彩丰富且丰富细腻的声音调色板,可分层到您的下一个音景中。

通过 Fender 电子管放大器以及各种模拟混响、延迟和自定义处理设备为我们心爱的 Fender Telecaster 提供信号,这组令人回味的 74 个高亢和弦、颤动的旋律、涟漪的即兴重复段和隆隆的低音嗡嗡声精心演变和无缝循环,以实现最终的制作灵活性 他们按照你的安排演奏。

利用我们庞大的现场录音库和发现的声音,我们还精心制作了 26 个纹理循环来配合核心吉他样本,在主要的 Ambient 循环集的下方和上方提供了精致的沙沙声风格选择。

今天就在活动中占据一席之地,通过“Ceremony – Ambient Guitar Loops”制作您自己的情感丰富的 Ambient 原声带!

100 个样品


‘Ceremony – Ambient Guitar Loops’ from ModeAudio beams from your speakers like the first delicate rays of a new dawn, basking your productions in the soaring sonic serenity of instrumental drones and 6-string textures.

Focussing on the timeless timbre of the electric guitar, this epic, 1GB collection of royalty-free music loops delivers a deeply colourful and richly delicate palette of sounds to layer into your next soundscape.

Feeding our beloved Fender Telecaster through a Fender tube amp alongside an assortment of analog reverbs, delays and custom processing devices, this evocative set of 74 soaring chords, fluttering melodies, rippling riffs and rumbling bass drones carefully evolve and loop seamlessly for ultimate production flexibility as they play within your arrangement.

Drawing on our vast libraries of field recordings and found sounds, we’ve also meticulously crafted 26 texture loops to accompany the core guitar samples, offering an exquisite choice of rustling sonic flavours to be layered beneath and above the main set of Ambient loops.

Take up your place in the proceedings and craft your own deeply emotive Ambient soundtracks today with ‘Ceremony – Ambient Guitar Loops’!

100 Samples

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