File size: 119.5 MB
Discovery Pro 的质量和功能比他的小表弟 Discovery 更高,现在保留了所有以前的功能,包括 Unison、SysEx 导出、128 种复调音乐、PADSynth 重新合成、2 个新振荡器、12 个滤波器、5000 多个预设、100 个库、独立应用程序 、图形信封、可扩展 GUI、八度键分割、afertouch 支持和区域预设。 我们花费了无数时间的硬编码、设计和工程,以新乐器的形式带来了最好的 discoDSP 团队工作。
经过一年多的制作,Nord Lead 2 模型齐奏现已推出。 我们仔细测量了复调和连奏/单声道,以在原始硬件的基础上带来尽可能完美的声音。
多尺寸 GUI(支持 Retina)
Discovery Pro 图形引擎可配置为三种窗口大小:1x (400p)、1.5x (600p) 和 2x (800p)。 当尝试查看某些参数或搜索 LED 时,不再需要眯着眼睛! 当然,CPU 在任何配置下都得到了显着优化。
从 WAVE 波形和导入的波形生成令人难以置信的美妙声音。 完美循环的波表样本呈现为 SFZ。 PADsynth 可以轻松生成合奏、合唱、铃声和许多其他声音。
2 个新振荡器
更广泛的声音调色板。 新的抛物线波形将带来美丽的打击垫、柔和的声音和新的 FM 音调。 粉红噪音带来经典合成器温暖可爱的声音。
零延迟 Nord Lead 2 和 Moog® 滤波器
Discovery Pro 包括 Nord Lead 2 建模的零延迟反馈滤波器。 它们听起来棒极了。 Moog 滤波器被称为 X 和 Y,除了之前的 8 个 Discovery 滤波器之外,还带来了更复杂的音调。
使用您的声音调色板进行高度声音塑造。 只需单击并按住鼠标即可绘制时间同步的模组目的地并获得新鲜的纹理。
TouchOSC 模板
使用您的 iPad 或 Android 平板电脑和 TouchOSC 应用程序以及购买后提供的模板对 Discovery Pro 进行编程。
Discovery Pro archieves even higher quality and features than his small cousin Discovery, retaining all previous functionalities now including Unison, SysEx export, 128 voices polyphony, PADSynth re-synthesis, 2 new oscillators, 12 filters, 5.000+ presets, 100 banks, standalone app, graphics envelope, scalable GUI, octave key split, afertouch support and zone presets. We spent countless hours of hard coding, design and engineering, bringing the best discoDSP team work in the form of a new instrument.
Top Unison Around
A Nord Lead 2 modeled unison is now introduced after more than a year on the making. We have carefully measured Polyphonic and Legato/Mono to bring a sound as perfect as possible based on the original hardware.
Multi-size GUI (Retina ready)
Discovery Pro graphics engine is configurable in three window sizes: 1x (400p), 1.5x (600p) and 2x (800p). No more squinting when trying to look at some parameter or search for a led anymore! Of course CPU has been dramatically optimised at any configuration.
PADsynth re-synthesis
Generating incredibly beautiful sounds from WAVE waveforms and imported waves. Perfectly looped wavetable samples rendered as SFZ. PADsynth generates ensembles, choirs, bells and many other sounds easily.
2 new oscillators
Even broader sonic palette. A new parabolic waveform will be bliss for beautiful pads, soft sounds and new FM tones. Pink noise brings that warm and lovely sound from classic synthesizers.
Zero Delay Nord Lead 2 and Moog® filters
Discovery Pro includes Nord Lead 2 modeled Zero Delay Feedback filters. They sound amazingly great. Moog filters are called X and Y, bringing a more sophisticated tone in addition to the 8 previous Discovery filters.
Graphic Modulation envelopes
Take your sound palette to high degree sound shaping. Just click and hold your mouse to draw time-synced mod destinations and get fresh textures.
TouchOSC Template
Program Discovery Pro using your iPad or Android tablet and TouchOSC app with the template provided after purchasing.