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Aim Audio Exhale Trip Hop WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 12 January 2024 | 402.46 MB

Aim Audio 的朱诺奖获得者 Dubmatix 和刺客转盘演奏家 Illorn 邀请您畅享 Trip-hop 音乐。 为《Exhale》创造整体基调首先将两代音乐融合为一个统一、和谐美丽的混合体——70 年代乐器的空间感、跳动声音——电键、旋转垫、平滑的混响和延迟,与沉重的跳动融合在一起—— 与 Massive Attack、Portishead 和 DJ Shadow 一起跳跃 90 年代布里斯托尔场景的节奏,现在有了更新的声音。

吹过烟雾,发现自己置身于 601 MB 的 Trip-hop 精彩内容面前 – 以 24 位/44.1kHz 质量录制的 WAV 样本。 漂浮在各种鼓和打击乐凹槽、琴键、合成器、划痕人声、嗡嗡声、大气弦乐和底层低音线之间。

查看演示曲目和循环,同时评估下面的完整规格。 今天品尝这些冰冷梦幻的氛围,您将永远不会回头。

本网站/页面上对任何品牌的任何引用(包括对品牌和仪器的引用)仅供说明之用。 例如,提供对乐器品牌的参考来描述乐器和/或样本中使用的乐器的声音。 Loopmasters 与这些品牌没有(也不声称)有任何关联或认可。 这些品牌所附带的任何商誉均归品牌所有者所有。 Loopmasters 或其供应商不承担与样本内容或描述准确性相关的任何责任。 “RHODES”是 Joseph A Brandstetter 的注册商标。


• 601 MB
• 24 位/44.1kHz WAV
• 总共 163 个循环
• 总共 51 次一击
• 17 个合成器循环
• 16 个鼓声部循环
• 9 个旋律组合循环
• 8 个低音循环
• 7 个无人机循环
• 7 个按键循环
• 7 个变奏鼓循环
• 6 个顶部循环
• 5 个鼓循环
• 5 个吉他循环
• 3 个打击垫循环
• 2 个乐器循环
• 2 个 Perc 循环
• 1 个人声循环
• 31 个刮鼓循环
• 22 个 Scratch 乐器循环
• 8 个刮擦打击乐循环
• 5 个刮擦低音循环
• 2 个 Scratch 人声循环
• 26 鼓一击
• 11 种乐器一次性
• 9 个低音单击
• 5 Perc 一击


Aim Audio’s Juno award winner Dubmatix and the assassin turntablist Illorn invite you to exhale some trip-hop. Creating the overall tone for Exhale began with merging two musical generations into one unifying, harmoniously beautiful blend – the spacey, tripped-out sounds of ’70s instrumentation – electric keys, swirling pads, smooth reverb, and delays, fused with the heavy trip-hop beats of the ’90s Bristol scene with Massive Attack, Portishead, and DJ Shadow, now with an updated sound.

Blow past the smoke and find yourself in front of 601 MB of trip-hop goodness – WAV samples recorded at 24-bit/44.1kHz quality. Float amongst the various drum and percussion grooves, keys, synths, scratched vocals, drones, atmospheric strings, and underlying basslines.

Check out the demo track and loops whilst you assess the full specifications below. Taste these chilled dreamy vibes today and you’ll never look back.

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. “RHODES” is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.

Product Details:

• 601 MB
• 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
• 163 Total Loops
• 51 Total One-Shots
• 17 Synth Loops
• 16 Drum Part Loops
• 9 Melodic Combi Loops
• 8 Bass Loops
• 7 Drone Loops
• 7 Keys Loops
• 7 Variation Drum Loops
• 6 Top Loops
• 5 Drum Loops
• 5 Guitar Loops
• 3 Pad Loops
• 2 Instrument Loops
• 2 Perc Loops
• 1 Vocal Loop
• 31 Scratch Drum Loops
• 22 Scratch Instrument Loops
• 8 Scratch Percussion Loops
• 5 Scratch Bass Loops
• 2 Scratch Vocal Loops
• 26 Drum One-Shots
• 11 Instrument One-Shots
• 9 Bass One-Shots
• 5 Perc One-Shots

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