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Drumdrops Alabama Breaks WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 08 May 2024 | 572.78 MB

Alabama Breaks 是由英国传奇制作人 Charlie Hugall 制作的强大、深情且优美的音乐鼓循环的巨大集合,并在伦敦世界著名的 Pool 工作室录制。 由 George Cook(Rag N Bone Man、Bruno Major、 Japanese House)表演,我们从 The Black Keys 和 Alabama Shakes 等艺术家那里汲取灵感,创作出风格多样、个性鲜明、有力的鼓循环和热门歌曲。 George 漂亮的 Ludwig 套件使用 The Pool 令人难以置信的深奥麦克风和模拟舷外机选择,通过老式 Neve 控制台运行。

403 样品


Alabama Breaks is a huge collection of powerful, soulful and beautifully musical drum loops produced by legendary UK producer Charlie Hugall and recorded in the world-renowned Pool studio in London. Performed by George Cook (Rag N Bone Man, Bruno Major, Japanese House), we took inspiration from artists such as The Black Keys and Alabama Shakes to create a hugely varied selection of characterful and punchy drum loops and hits. George’s beautiful Ludwig kit was miced using The Pool’s incredible selection of esoteric mics and analogue outboard, running through the vintage Neve console.

403 Samples

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