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Stomp Board 是一個獨立的應用程序和插件集,包含帶有集成放大器模拟器的主機“Stomp Board”,以及來自原始 BBE Stomp Ware 經典的 8 個高級建模效果插件。 這些踏闆也單獨出售,并且向後兼容以前的 Stomp Ware 産品線(RTAS 格式除外,現已折舊)。 Stomp Board 及其後續踏闆提供适用于 Windows 的 AAX、AU、VST 和 VST3 格式。
Stomp Board 充當 8 個吉他效果踏闆的主機應用程序/插件,這些踏闆取自原始的“Stomp Ware”經典,并且可以通過簡單的拖放以任何順序無限加載和鏈接,詳細信息如下。 它包括一個專用且經過微調的門、4 個集成放大器(可讓您從一開始就開始搖擺)、用于全局 EQ 設置的傾斜式音調控制以及輸入和輸出旋鈕旁邊的内置彈簧混響以及增益分級計量視圖。
Stomp Board is a standalone application and plug-in set containing the host “Stomp Board” with an integrated amp simulator, and 8 premium modelled effect plug-ins from the original BBE Stomp Ware classics. The pedals are also sold individually and are backward compatible with the former Stomp Ware product line (except RTAS format, now depreciated). Stomp Board and its subsequent pedals are available in AAX, AU, VST and VST3 format for Windows.
Stomp Board acts as a host application/plug-in for 8 guitar effect pedals taken from the original “Stomp Ware” classics and which can be unlimitedly loaded and chained in any order via simple drag/drop, detailed below. It includes a dedicated and finely tuned Gate, 4 integrated Amps to get you up and rocking from the start, a tilt style Tone control for global EQ setting and inbuilt spring reverb alongside input and output knobs and gain staging metering view.