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复古合成器 – Spitfire Audio Martyn Ware NIC KONTAKT

KONTAKT – 12,62 GB

合成器包括罗兰系统100,木星8和Korg 700与获奖作曲家和制作人制作的翘曲版本。

拥有超过270个令人愉快的预设,一些有多达5个明显不同的可混合信号路径这个库是广泛的选择合成器和鼓的声音,图表英国电子和合成器流行的开始,这是严重影响纽约嘻哈场景的萌芽“电子”子集由喜欢的Afrika Bambaataa在七十年代末和八十年代初。有一个巨大的选择垫,引线,流行,鼓,fx,惊人的节奏锁定序列和手工设计的古玩,由男人自己加上一个全面的选择扭曲的版本,由顶级获奖作曲家和制作人设计的声音。所有呈现在“超级单声道”,给你一个选择的通道,通过复古类a模拟舷外处理处理。

自20世纪70年代末以来,马丁·韦尔一直是电子流行音乐的重要贡献者,并对“被煮沸”和“诱惑”等热门唱片负有部分责任。同时也是英国电气基金会,人类联盟和天堂17的创始成员。马丁曾与无数天才合作,包括蒂娜·特纳、查卡·汗、伊拉苏尔、马克·阿尔蒙德、梅维斯·斯塔普斯和特伦斯·特伦特·达尔比。作为一名唱片制作人和艺术家,马丁的专辑在全球销量超过5000万张。2001年,Martyn与Vince Clarke联手成立了Illustrious公司,并继续将他们独特的三维声音技术与表演艺术行业内的艺术家,企业客户和客户进行合作。虽然马丁是谢菲尔德人,但他现在在伦敦生活和工作,当他不在Tileyard的工作室工作时,他是伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院的客座教授。






– M -麦克风-直接和关闭系统100扬声器。
– A – amp -进入一个良好的马歇尔放大器,所以它只是“坐”。
– Ch – Chorus -为了这个图书馆,我们从日本运来了一台Roland Dimension D !我们觉得这是最好的方式来立体模拟合成器!
– Sp – Spring -一个混响返回从一个复古的Telefunken Spring单位。
– DI -直接注入-记录通过最好的NEVE线放大器直接从键盘输出。每个仪器加载时,在第一个实例中都激活了这个。




Rare vintage synthesizers
A true pioneer and founding member of trailblazing acts The Human League and Heaven 17 creates and produces an exclusive selection of classic analogue synth and drum sounds from his collection of rarefied electronic delights.
Synths include Roland System 100, Jupiter 8 and Korg 700 with warped versions produced by award winning composers and producers.

With over 270 delectable presets, some with up to 5 distinctly different mixable signal paths this library is broad selection of synth and drums sounds that chart the very beginnings of UK electronica and synthesizer pop which were to influence heavily the burgeoning “electro” subset of the NY hip hop scene led by the likes of Afrika Bambaataa in the late seventies and early eighties. With a huge selection of pads, leads, pops, drums, fx, amazing tempo locked sequences and curios designed by hand, by the man himself plus a comprehensive selection of warped versions, sound designed by top award winning composers and producers. All presented in “super mono” to give you a selection of channels processed via vintage class-a analogue outboard processing.

Martyn Ware has been an essential and avid contributor to electro-pop music since the late 1970’s, and is partly responsible for such hit records as ‘Being Boiled’ and ‘Temptation’. As well as being a founding member of British Electric Foundation, The Human League and Heaven 17. Martyn has worked with a myriad of talent including Tina Turner, Chaka Khan, Erasure, Marc Almond, Mavis Stapes and Terence Trent D’Arby. As a record producer and artist, Martyn has featured on recordings totalling over 50 million sales worldwide. In 2001, Martyn joined forces with Vince Clarke to found Illustrious Company, and together they continue to combine their unique three-dimensional sound technology to collaborate with an array of artists, corporate clients and clientele within the performing arts industry.Although a proud Sheffield native, Martyn now lives and works in London, and can be found acting as Visiting Professor for Queen Mary College at the University of London when not working away in his studio based, like us, at Tileyard.

Synths and sequences
The Roland System 100 is often said to be the last great synth with the last great pair of oscillators. Hand made only a few units were sold so they’re incredibly hard to come by. This particular unit was gifted to Martyn by Vince Clarke in return for services rendered producing an Erasure album. It plays host to Martyn’s staggering programming prowess and allows us to revisit all those great Human League and Heaven 17 sounds. Alongside, synths, leads, pops, and basses are some great sequences which are worth the price of admission alone!

Classic custom sounds
Here we enjoy hearing how Martyn’s techniques evolved alongside growing feature-sets of later incarnations of Roland keyboards. An anthology of classic custom sounds made by the master!

Drums and Curios
Martyn has also plumbed his old faithful for some great drum sounds and curiosities. The Korg 700 has a sound all of it’s very own and casts our mind back to the dawning of a new age for pop in the UK.

The Spitfire Morphing department
In addition to these wonderful “originals” from Martyn the award winning Spitfire team has been at it again morphing and mangling the sounds to create haunting, biting and enormous new creations inspired by Martyn’s work. Giving you a truly inspiring and comprehensive set of synthesizer tools.

All the synthesizers sampled within N.I.C. are monophonic. But we have taken pains to duplicate this mono signal and send through a number of different interesting signal chains using Class-A vintage outboard processing.

– M – Mic – Direct and close from the System 100 speakers.
– A – Amped – Into a fine Marshall amplifier so it just “sits”.
– Ch – Chorus – We had a Roland Dimension D shipped from Japan just for this library! We feel it’s the best way to stereoficate an analogue synth!
– Sp – Spring – A Reverb return from a vintage Telefunken Spring unit.
– DI – Direct Inject – Recorded via the finest NEVE line amps direct from the output of the keyboard. Every instrument loads with this activated in the first instance.

The Mercury Synth
This ingenious user interface features a range of organic sounds and specially curated warped sounds. All of the controls are assignable to your control surface, giving you the ability to instantly make our sounds your own.

Kontakt Full 5.6.8 or higher required!

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