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独奏弦乐+合成器 – Fracture Sounds Trails v1.0.1 KONTAKT

KONTAKT – 11,32 GB


Fracture Sounds团队与作曲家Alexander Parsons合作,设计了一套工具和声音,将他的纹理方法封装到作曲中。作为一个训练有素的小提琴家在电子音乐的背景下,这个集合独奏弦乐,合成器,和独特的表演显示了亚历山大的调色板和口味的全谱。



这个音色库的主要元素是由亚历山大·帕森斯和他经常的合作者和朋友乔·泽特林录制的独奏小提琴和大提琴织体。Alexander最喜欢和最常用的八个发音在伦敦的干燥工作室空间中被捕获,我们为Dan Keen的Petrichor音色库使用了同样的空间。





多年来,亚历山大收集了一系列他最喜欢的模拟合成器和模块化效果单元,并提供了个人收集的样本,这些样本的灵感来自于他多年来在乐谱上使用的样本,并结合了在Press Play制作的录音。

为了实现最大的可玩性,我们已经将合成样本放入Zen: Meditations引入的Layer blend引擎中,使多达三个合成样本可以使用mod wheel进行混合和控制。在这个音色库中有28种独特的合成器声音,提供546种可能的混合选项,然后可以通过ADSR包络,过滤器和界面上发现的其他效果进一步扩展。



– 16弦乐发音和织体
– 28合成录音和表演
– 57颗粒预设

Enter the world of violinist and composer Alexander Parsons, with his collection of evocative soundscapes and string textures. This collection of unique performances also includes an incredibly rare Faulkner Dulcichord table-top piano and a newly designed Granular Synthesis engine.

The Fracture Sounds team has collaborated with composer Alexander Parsons to devise a set of tools and sounds that encapsulate his textural approach to composition. As a trained violinist with a background in Electronic Music, this collection of solo strings, synths, and unique performances shows the full spectrum of Alexander’s palette and tastes.

The solo strings in this library focus on long and short textures that can be combined to create tension and movement. The articulations are expanded with the brand-new Granular Engine, creating a huge array of possibilities and blurring the lines between acoustic and electronic performance. As with Zen: Meditations, this library also contains Layer Blends but this time, the team at Fracture Sounds and Alexander Parsons have assembled 28 synth sounds that can then be combined in thousands of combinations with the use of additional effects.

Trails is built to enable maximum sonic exploration with minimal effort, so you can focus on writing music with an inspiring set of sounds.

The main element of this library is the solo violin and cello textures recorded by Alexander Parsons and his frequent collaborator and friend, Joe Zeitlin. Eight of Alexander’s favourite and most frequently used articulations have been captured in the same dry studio space in London that we used for Dan Keen’s Petrichor library.

The dry space enables the use of more effects within the instrument presets and as part of our brand-new granular engine, transforming the sounds into mesmerising textures with limitless possibilities. Returning is our Lo-Fi and Delay effects found in Hemisphere Ambient & Cinematic Guitars, which, when combined with the Reverb and 16 unique Atmosphere Layers, can alter the original acoustic recordings into a dramatic underbelly of undulating textures- what Alexander refers to as Trails.

Our newly designed Granular engine has distilled both the knowledge and experience from the Fracture Sounds team with Alexander’s methodology of working with Granular effects on his modular rig to expand his sound palette and create truly unique compositions. The engine is a culmination of curated sounds found throughout the library and offers many control options as well as simply being able to shuffle all of the parameters and let the instrument decide the direction of the sound for you.

The original sounds can be reversed, mutated, and tweaked using the controls available on the interface, making the original source unrecognisable, and generating a level of randomness and inspiration that Alexander craves in his writing tools.

The team at Fracture Sounds and Alexander Parsons have curated 57 presets as starting points for those who are new to Granular Synthesis. These presets are also found in a basic form in the Lightweight folder for those who need greater CPU efficiency.

Over the years Alexander has collected an array of his favourite analogue synthesisers and modular effects units and has provided a personal collection of samples inspired by those that he has used on scores over the years, combined with recordings made at Press Play.

To enable maximum playability, we have placed the synth samples into the Layer Blends engine that was introduced with Zen: Meditations, enabling up to three synth samples to be blended and controlled using the mod wheel. There are 28 unique synth sounds found in this library with 28, providing 546 possible blending options, which can then be extended further with the ADSR envelope, filters, and other effects found on the interface.

A key tool in Alexander’s arsenal is the Faulkner Dulcichord, a small single-stringed tabletop piano that has a delicate and enchanting tone. As well as the effects included with the solo string textures, Dulcichord has a Broken Tuning function that can alter the original cleaned-up samples into a more antique sound. Those who are familiar with our pianos will be aware of our Colour and Timbre Shift controls that can shift the tone of the instrument into a darker or brighter space, and we have also included an extended range switch to increase the range of the instrument beyond its natural limitations.

Each performance was captured with an array of close and room microphones and combined in a single, broadcast-ready mix. The raw mix can then be combined with up to three Atmosphere Layers created by the Fracture Sounds team and Alexander Parsons.

– 16 String Articulations and Textures
– 28 Synth recordings and performances
– Incredibly rare Dulcichord tabletop piano
– 57 Granular Presets
– Articulation switching and individual articulation settings
– Layer blends engine
– Granular synth engine
– Recorded in a dry space
– Full NKS support – works with Komplete Kontrol hardware.
– 12GB download size (NCW compressed from a 15GB sample pool)

Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.7 and higher!

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