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Sonus Paradisi Velesovo Organ, (Surround) (HAUPTWERK)

P2P | 06 September 2024 | 18 GB

这台乐器是2007年为位于Adergas (Velesovo,斯洛文尼亚)的圣母教堂新建的。这个地方属于该地区重要的朝圣教堂。以前的修道院被改造成一个精神中心,团体或个人可以在这里找到避难所,在沉默和冥想中度过几天,享受周围的自然美景和巨大的山脉。

管风琴制作人tomasi monik住在附近的Cerklje镇,因此他在Velesovo教堂的作品14是他的“陈列室”乐器。它是以一种非常传统的方式建造的,灵感来自图林根巴洛克管风琴,特别是Zacharias Hildebrandt的作品。中央铁路位于主楼的中心,上层铁路则占据了上部。踏板管位于汽车工厂的风箱后面。跟踪器是纯机械的,运行完美,允许良好的触摸控制。


The instrument was newly built in 2007 for the church of our Lady in Adergas (Velesovo, Slovenia). The place belongs to the important pilgrim churches of the area. Former monastery was transformed into a spiritual centre, where groups or individuals may find refuge and spend days in silence and meditation, and enjoy the surrounding beauty of nature and giant mountains.

The organbuilder Tomaš Močnik lives in the town Cerklje nearby, and hence his Opus 14 in the Velesovo church is a kind of his “showroom” instrument. It was built in a very traditional manner, inspired by the Thuringian baroque organs, particularly by the work of Zacharias Hildebrandt. The Hauptwerk is situated in the centre of the main case, the Oberwerk occupies its upper part. The pedal pipes are located behind the windchest of the Hautpwerk. The tracker is purely mechanical, perfectly going, allowing good touch control.

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