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甲壳虫乐队电吉他 MusicLab RealRick 6 v6.1.2.7554 WIN

Team R2R | 2024.09.20 | 1.34 GB


Jim McGuinn使其铃声般的音质成为伯德乐队早期风格的基础。The Who’s Peter Townshend, Creedence Clearwater Revival的John Fogerty, Steppenwolf的John Kay,以及许多其他著名的1960年代吉他手都成为Rickenbacker®的忠实用户。像Oasis, Pearl Jam, Radiohead, U2这样的乐队,以及其他当今的顶级乐队都在他们的音乐库里使用Rickenbacker®吉他。Rickenbacker®是r.e.m.的Peter Buck和Against Me!劳拉·简·格蕾丝,以及其他许多人。

RealRick -基于样本的虚拟乐器与一个创新的方法来吉他声音建模和吉他技术模拟一个标准的MIDI键盘。




12弦B -单声道,第三弦对在统一调谐
-在RealRick单输出版本中使用时,全立体声(模拟’ Rick-O-Sound ‘立体声输出)
-在RealRick单输出版本中使用时,全立体声(模拟’ Rick-O-Sound ‘立体声输出)


We are proud to present the RealRick virtual guitar instrument with the unmistakable sound of a legendary Rickenbacker® electric guitar, which became permanently intertwined with the sound of The Beatles.

In the early 1960s Rickenbacker® history became forever wedded to one of the biggest music upheavals of the 20th century: the invasion of the mop-top Beatles from Liverpool, England. The Beatles created unprecedented, international interest in Rickenbackers.
John Lennon would own at least four models, George Harrison’s double-bound 360/12 (the second one made by the company) defined a new tone at the other end of the audio spectrum. Its ringing sound embellished “You Can’t Do That”, “Eight Days a Week”, “A Hard Day’s Night”, “Ticket To Ride” to name just a few.
Jim McGuinn made the bell-like quality of its tone the foundation of the Byrds’ early style. The Who’s Peter Townshend, Creedence Clearwater Revival’s John Fogerty, Steppenwolf’s John Kay, and many other well-known 1960s guitarists became faithful Rickenbacker® users. Groups like Oasis, Pearl Jam, Radiohead, U2, and other of today’s top acts include Rickenbacker® guitars in their musical arsenal. Rickenbacker® is the principal guitar of artists such as R.E.M.’s Peter Buck and Against Me!’s Laura Jane Grace, and many others.

RealRick – sample-based virtual instrument with an innovative approach to guitar sound modeling and guitar techniques emulating on a standard MIDI keyboard.

RealRick provides incredible playability based on the unique performance modes and easy-to-use keyboard layout as well as the advanced key/pedal/velocity switch system allowing a keyboardist to perform guitar parts with a whole new level of realistic expression. RealRick covers practically all sounds, articulations, and techniques a professional guitarist can produce on his Rickenbacker®, including mute, bridge mute, harmonics, pinch harmonics, unison bend, strumming, picking, chord chopping, scrapes, and much more…

24-bit 96 kHz high quality dry samples recorded directly from pick-ups let you easily create any desired guitar sound using your favorite amplifier simulator.

RealRick includes 8 guitar patches:

6-string – Mono
12-string A – Mono, 3rd string pair tuned in OCTAVE
12-string B – Mono, 3rd string pair tuned in UNISON
6-string (Stereo/Double-track):
– full Stereo (emulates ‘Rick-O-Sound’ stereo output) when used in RealRick single output version
– double tracked patch when used in RealRick two output versions
12-string A and B (Stereo/Mono):
– main (sustain) sound is Stereo (6/6 strings split), additional sounds/noises are Mono
12-string A and B (Stereo/Double-track):
– full Stereo (emulates ‘Rick-O-Sound’ stereo output) when used in RealRick single output version
– double tracked patch when used in RealRick two output versions

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