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吉他效果器建模插件 ToneLib GFX 4.8.5 Win/macOS/Lnx

File size: 354 MB

TL GFX是一款全面的吉他VST插件/独立应用程序,结合了大量的高端吉他装备和完整的吉他工作室,非常适合日常练习,果酱会议和现场表演。

TL GFX效果收集功能超过80件吉他齿轮,根据现实生活中的模拟物的实际电路图精心建模。从一些最著名的吉他放大器到不可或缺的踏板和调制效果,TL GFX套件拥有您可能需要创建一流的自定义吉他音调的一切。

有了TL GFX独立,一个完整的吉他工作室可以很容易地适应到一个应用程序。从必须有调谐器和节拍器,到一个支持轨道播放器,节奏机,循环站,试听模式和更多,你会发现你需要的所有工具,每天吉他练习,快速演示录音,充满活力的果酱会议,甚至现场演出。不需要DAWs和复杂的设置-只需插入你的吉他并开始演奏!

通过加入TL GFX活泼的在线社区,您将可以访问一个巨大的在线预设库,以适应任何口味。另外,在定期更新的集合部分,你会发现在著名吉他手和摇滚乐队的风格超过一百自定义预设。

TL GFX独立包括广泛的额外功能,确保在你的吉他日常工作中有用。有了这些在船上,TL GFX可以很容易地成为任何吉他手的应用程序,结合所有必要的工具练习例程,现场演出和果酱会议。所有这些-不需要运行DAW或任何其他程序!


TL GFX is a comprehensive guitar VST plugin/Standalone app that combines a vast collection of high-end guitar gear with a complete guitar studio, ideal for day-to-day practice routine, jam sessions and live performances.

TL GFX Effects collection features over 80 pieces of guitar gear, painstakingly modeled based on actual circuit diagrams of real-life analogs. From some of the most famous guitar amps to indispensable pedals and modulation effects, the TL GFX suite has everything you could possibly need to create a top-notch custom guitar tone.

With the TL GFX Standalone, a complete guitar studio can easily fit into just one app. From the must-have Tuner and Metronome, to a Backing track player, Rhythm Machine, Loop Station, Audition Mode and much more, you’ll find all the tools you need for everyday guitar practice, quick demo recordings, vibrant jam sessions and even live gigs. No need for DAWs and complicated setup – just plug in your guitar and start playing!

By joining TL GFX’s lively Online Community, you’ll have access to a huge online preset library to fit any taste. Plus, in the regularly updated Collections section, you’ll find over a hundred custom presets in the style of famous guitarists and rock bands.

Standalone Features
TL GFX Standalone includes a wide range of extra features sure to be useful in your guitar daily routine. With these on board, TL GFX can easily become a go-to app for any guitarist, combining all the essential tools for practice routines, live gigs and jam sessions. And all of that – with no need to run a DAW or any other program!


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