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Sonus Paradisi – L’Orgue de Jordi Bosch – Santanyi, Mallorca (1762) (HAUPTWERK)

P2P | 16 October 2024 | 9.99 GB

拥有40个分阶的两个手工风琴Jordi Bosch是马略卡岛风琴中真正的瑰宝。它宏伟壮丽的立面(由弗拉·阿尔伯特·博尔格尼(Fra Albert Borguny)设计)与当时帝国的浮华相似,并增加了其停顿的辉煌声音。

《桑塔伊》是乔迪·博斯保存最完好的作品之一。它有一个丰富的“Trompeteria”,由9排水平小号组成,是典型的伊比利亚管风琴学校。由于喇叭的扇形(径向)间距,它将声音传播到教堂的每个角落:Baixon面向东方,Trompa magna面向西方。特朗帕帝国占据了号角座的中心位置。在风琴手的头部上方,有两排水平放置的短谐振器簧片:Regalies和Dolcaina。大风琴是建立在一个宽16英尺的主音(Flautat major)上的,它给了弦乐响亮而温暖的声音。该管风琴保留了世界上现存最大的混合(Ple),由25级和1.104管组成!它建立在一个独立的风箱上,每个音调都由自己的2.5米长的风管输送。该乐器的一个特别之处在于它的大短号(10级),它是在一个特殊的风箱上“升高”的,以提供“更好的声音”。器官正面(Cadireta)隐藏着帝王般的Saboiana,以及其他典型的停止,如Nasards或Corneta, Flautat tapad(实际上是RohrFloete)和一些aliquotes – Dinovena和Siurell。有一些站点,比如博尔多,第一次在马略卡岛的管风琴制作传统中使用。


The two manual organ with 40 divided ranks of Jordi Bosch is a real gem among the Mallorcan organs. Its monumental and splendidly decorated facade (by Fra Albert Borguny) resembles the imperial pomposity of the time and adds to the brilliant sound of its stops.

The organ of Santanyi is one of the best preserved works of Jordi Bosch. It has a rich “Trompeteria” composed of 9 ranks of horizontal trumpets, so typical for the Iberian organbuilding school. It spreads its sound to every corner of the church thanks to the fan-shaped (radial) spacing of the trumpets: Baixon faces the east, the Trompa magna the west. The Trompa reial occupies the central position of the Trompeteria. Above the head of the organist there are two ranks of horizontally positioned reed stops with short resonators: Regalies and Dolcaina. The Grand Orgue is built on a wide 16 feet Principal (Flautat maior) which gives sonorous and warm sound to the pleno. The organ preserves the largest existing mixture (Ple) in the world, composed of 25 ranks and 1.104 pipes! It is built on a separate windchest and each tone is fed by its own 2.5 m long wind conduit. One of the special features of the instrument is its great Cornet (10 ranks) which was built “elevated” on a special windchest to give a “better sound”. The organ positiv (Cadireta) hides a regal-like Saboiana, together with other typical stops like Nasards or Corneta, Flautat tapad (actually a RohrFloete) and some aliquotes – Dinovena and Siurell. There are some stops like the Bordo which were used for the first time in the Mallorcan organbuilding tradition.

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