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Montage by Splice Moments of Wonder: Animated Drama WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 23 October 2024 | 532.09 MB

MNT -奇迹时刻-动画戏剧

动画电影已经成为电影界的一个重要组成部分,通过讲故事的方式俘获了世界各地孩子和成年人的心和想象力。皮克斯(Pixar)、梦工厂(Dreamworks)和蓝天(Blue Sky)等公司设计了一些最具代表性的角色和幻想世界,这些角色和幻想世界都有同样有创意的配乐,以配合每个故事的时刻。钢琴家、作曲家和讲故事的人哈罗德·奥尼尔(Harold O ‘Neal)自己着手建立一个样本乐谱,以达到这些令人难以置信的电影的奇迹。

“奇迹时刻”是一个无限的样本包,灵感来自这些动画电影,为你的故事的每一部分提供完美的情感触动。忧郁的钢琴循环把你带到下雨天,戏剧性的竖琴滑奏把你放在云端,丰富的弦乐部分给你一种神奇的感觉。这个包由十几个左右的Melodic stack领导,作为各种情绪的场景启动器。在这些堆栈中是可以与许多替代选项混合和匹配的系统。

录制在Splice的声音工厂工作室在好莱坞,哈罗德与一些最受追捧的会议音乐家在洛杉矶- Pia Salvia(竖琴),Megan Shung(小提琴)和Ismael Guerrero(大提琴)。他们精湛的演奏加上哈罗德的指导使这个包成为你能在Splice上找到的技术最丰富的包之一。潜入这个令人印象深刻的包今天,提供你的下一个分数或生产与电影想象力的水平,它是缺失的。这些样本是重新采样,翻转和重做的沃土:我们迫不及待地想看看你为自己创造的奇迹时刻。

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他得到了各种媒体的广泛认可和报道,包括福布斯,NPR的All Things Considered,纽约客,财富杂志和第92届St Y: 7天的天才系列。奥尼尔还获得了著名的英国皇家艺术学会的奖学金,英国女王伊丽莎白二世是他的赞助人。最近,哈罗德·奥尼尔把他讲故事的专长带到了皮克斯的奥斯卡获奖影片《灵魂》中,作为幕后的创意专家,他的故事为电影制作过程提供了宝贵的资源。



MNT – Moments of Wonder – Animated Drama

Animated films have become a monumental part of the cinematic landscape, capturing the hearts an imaginations of kids and adults everywhere through storytelling. Companies like Pixar, Dreamworks, and Blue Sky have dreamt up some of the most iconic characters and fantasy worlds that are supported by equally creative soundtracks to match the moment of each story. Pianist, composer, and storyteller himself Harold O’Neal set out to build a sample score that lived up to the wonder of these incredible films.

Moments of Wonder is a boundless sample pack inspired by these animated films that provides the perfect emotional touch for every part of your story. Melancholy piano loops that transport you to a rainy day, dramatic harp glissandos that put you in the clouds, and rich string sections that give you a sense of magic. The pack is led by a dozen or so Melodic Stacks that act as scene starters for a variety of emotions. Within these stacks are stems that can be mixed and matched with many alternative options.

Recorded in Splice’s Sound Factory studios in Hollywood, Harold worked with some of the most sought after session musicians in LA – Pia Salvia (Harp), Megan Shung (Violin) and Ismael Guerrero (Cello). They’re virtuosic playing combined with Harold’s direction make this pack one of the most technically rich you can find on Splice. Dive into this impressive pack today and provide your next score or production with a level of cinematic imagination that it’s missing. These samples are fertile ground for resampling, flipping, and reworking: we can’t wait to see what Moments of Wonder you create for yourself.

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With being compared to Duke Ellington, Kenny Kirkland, and Maurice Ravel by The New York Times, Harold O’Neal FRSA (pianist, producer, speaker, social entrepreneur) has established himself as one of this generation’s greatest pianists and composers.

He has received widespread recognition and coverage in a variety of media outlets, including Forbes, NPR’s All Things Considered, The New Yorker, Fortune Magazine, and the 92nd St Y: 7 Days Of Genius series. O’Neal has also been granted fellowship to the prestigious Royal Society of the Arts, with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as patron. Recently, Harold O’Neal brought his storytelling expertise to Pixar’s Academy Award-winning film, Soul, serving as a creative expert behind the scenes with his stories providing valuable resources to the filmmaking process.

398 Samples


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