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科幻黑暗音色 Synth Magic Mini Magic Dark Tones Vol.1 KONTAKT-ARCADiA

Team ARCADiA | KONTAKT | 1.12 GB

《迷你魔力 – 暗色调 1 卷》是 Synth Magic 与 Loot Audio 合作推出的最新作品。


59 个预设 + 27 个多音色,适用于 Kontakt 5.6.6 完整版或更高版本。如果您只有 Kontakt Player,请勿购买。



只需点亮每个表盘上方的 LED 灯,然后移动表盘即可创建表盘移动的偏移量,这样,转动“魔力”表盘时,活动表盘就会根据您为每个表盘设置的偏移量以不同的程度移动。

36 种冲击响应与多种效果以及 29 种可选的源声音一同提供,非常适合科幻、氛围和恐怖配乐。


《暗色调》向神秘且深沉的音效设计领域迈进了一步,其中包含 330 个专为此次发行精心制作的专业多采样。这里汇集了阴森的低音、膨胀的氛围音效以及流动的音景。


Mini Magic – Dark Tones Vol 1 is the latest release from Synth Magic in collaboration with Loot Audio.

Dark Tones contains a dual layer blending system for quick customisation of your sounds.

59 Presets + 27 Multis for Kontakt 5.6.6 FULL version or above. Do not purchase if you only have Kontakt Player.

Magic Dial

Using the flexible ‘Magic Dial’ in the center of the interface you can quickly control multiple filters, controls and parameters at the same time.

By simply activating the Led above each dial you can then move the dials and create offsets of dial movements, so one turn of the Magic dial will then move the active dials in varying degrees dependent upon the offset you have made for each dial.

36 Impulse responses are included along with a number of effects and 29 selectable source sounds perfectly suited for science fiction, ambient and horror scores.

Sinister Undertones

Dark Tones takes a step towards the mysterious and darker side of sound design featuring 330 professionally produced multi-samples especially created for this release. Sinister undertones, swelling atmospheres and moving soundscapes are all featured here.

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