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Splice Explores Gamelan Origins with Gamelan Semara Ratih WAV ALS/ADG

09/03/2025 | WAV, Ableton presets | 351 MB

在Tegallalang, Bali由Gamelan Semara Ratih和Tristan Arp录制的位置执行,这个包包含了Gamelan的所有美丽和复杂的全面文档。

特里斯坦·阿尔普使用现场录音技术来捕捉佳美兰乐队的现场,让乐队以原始的真实性呈现其声音。此外,特里斯坦Arp创建了虚拟乐器预设Ableton Live,让您创建原创作品与甘美兰的独特声音。


记录这神圣的声音调色板是一种罕见的荣誉。佳美兰音乐总监Anom Baris的目的是通过这次合作,分享佳美兰音乐的声音,并在世界各地激发新的视角。

乐团简介:Gamelan Semara Ratih是国际知名的巴厘岛佳美兰乐团,由Anak Agung Gede Anom Putra(“Anom Baris”)领导。虽然植根于传统,合奏拥抱创新和当代的方法来作曲和表演。

关于制作人:特里斯坦·阿尔普是一位美国多媒体艺术家、制作人,也是纽约唱片公司Human Pitch的联合创始人。阿普用冒险的声音设计、不对称的节奏和点彩主义的微型打击乐器,顽皮地扭曲了舞蹈和环境音乐的框架。


7个Ableton live预设(ALS/ADG)


Performed on location in Tegallalang, Bali by Gamelan Semara Ratih and recorded by Tristan Arp, this pack contains comprehensive documentation of gamelan in all its beauty and complexity.

Tristan Arp uses field recording techniques to capture the gamelan orchestra in-situ, allowing the orchestra to present its sounds in their raw authenticity. In addition, Tristan Arp has created virtual instrument presets for Ableton Live to allow you to create original works with the unique sounds of the gamelan.

The word gamelan refers to a family of bronze mallet percussion, as well as one of the world’s richest musical languages, defined by interlocking rhythms. Dating back nearly 1,000 years, Gamelan is Indonesia’s most treasured musical tradition, art form, and spiritual expression.

It is a rare honor of great sensitivity to document this sacred sound palette. The intention of Gamelan Semara Ratih’s director Anom Baris is to share the sound of gamelan and inspire new perspectives around the world through this collaboration.

About the musicians: Gamelan Semara Ratih is an internationally renowned Balinese gamelan orchestra led by Anak Agung Gede Anom Putra, “Anom Baris.” While rooted in tradition, the ensemble embraces innovation and contemporary approaches to composition and performance.

About the producer: Tristan Arp is an American multimedia artist, producer, and co-founder of the New York record label Human Pitch. Arp playfully bends the framework of dance and ambient music with adventurous sound design, asymmetrical rhythms, and pointillist micro-percussion.

All sounds performed by Gamelan Samara Ratih in Bali, Indonesia January, 2019. Recorded and edited by Tristan Arp.

56 loops
65 one shots
47 phrases
7 Ableton live presets (ALS/ADG)


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