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Admiral Quality Poly-Ana v1.4.0 WIN / v1.2.1a MAC

Win: 27.7MB + macOS: 24.1MB

波莉安娜终于来了!为虚拟模拟合成的新体验做好准备吧!Poly-Ana使用不同的方法比大多数其他VA软合成器,我们觉得提供了一个声音更真实的早期模拟合成器,激发了她的特点。诚然,这种“蛮力”方法比其他常用技术需要更多的处理能力,但它是真实模拟仪器功能的更真实模型。如果你像我们一样痴迷于你的声音质量,那么你不会介意使用更多的CPU功率来帮助你更接近真实的模拟声音;这是许多其他VA合成器远远达不到的声音。(注意Poly-Ana还提供了一个Quality选项,以牺牲声音质量为代价来减少性能期间的CPU使用。) Poly-Ana的语音架构是一个雄心勃勃的组合,所有最好的功能,著名的模拟经典,加上一些新的功能(总共208个控制,加上一个完整的5倍频的速度敏感的虚拟键盘!),虽然可能在一天,将是昂贵的硬件实现。但作为一款纯软件产品,Poly-Ana不会面临这些限制,我们在设计“终极模拟梦境合成器”时没有任何保留。将其与经典风格的设计相结合,将每个参数都放在一次点击之外,带有大型,易于抓取的旋钮和开关,其行为就像现实世界中的物品;没有隐藏的下钻菜单,所以每个控件都显示在你可以看到的地方;Poly-Ana为软件合成提供了一个真正的替代方案。   Poly-Ana is finally here! Get ready for a new experience in virtual analog synthesis! Poly-Ana uses a different approach than most other VA soft-synths which we feel delivers a sound more authentic to the early analog synths that inspired her features. This “brute-force” method admittedly requires more processing power than other common techniques, but is a far truer model of the functioning of real analog instruments. If you obsess over the quality of your sound like we do then you won’t mind using a bit more CPU power to help get you closer to that real analog sound; a sound that so many other VA synths fall too-far short of. (Note that Poly-Ana also offers a Quality option to reduce CPU usage during performance-time at the expense of sound quality.)

Poly-Ana’s voice architecture is an ambitious combination of all the best features of the famous analog classics, plus a few new features (totaling 208 controls, plus a full 5 octave velocity sensitive virtual keyboard!) which, while possible back in the day, would have been prohibitively expensive to implement in hardware. But as a software-only product, Poly-Ana doesn’t face these limitations, and we held nothing back in designing our “ultimate analog dream synth”. Combine this with a classic styled design that puts every parameter a single click away, with large, easy to grab knobs and switches that behave like the real-world items; and with no hidden drill-down menus so that each and every control is prominently displayed out where you can see it; Poly-Ana offers a true alternative in software synthesis. What’s new:
official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

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