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Akai Professional Black Sun Empire MPC Expansion v1.0.2 WiN

WiN | AudioZ独家| 647.15 MB

Akai Professional自豪地呈现鼓&贝斯图标-黑太阳帝国。一个最强大和沉重的声音的杰出集合,由神经放克的大师精心制作。自从1999年出现在现场,他们有许多被认为是开创性的鼓和贝斯领域,也在Dubstep的到来。多年来,他们曾与Noisia、Foreign Beggars、State of Mind、the Upbeats、Pythius和Gridlok合作,在DSCI4、Renegade Hardware、Vision、Ram Records、Never Say Die、UKF等网站发布过作品。这导致他们形成了自己的印记,称为“昏迷”。这个标签的多样性是在这里为你准备的。

在黑太阳帝国扩展版中,您将立即访问48个专业制作的mpc准备套件,从沉重的Punchy Kicks,肮脏的圈套,驾驶打击乐,Funky骑和HiHats和复杂的低音声音和循环创建的700多个滑头样品。他们的商标声音是非常好的代表,所以任何对积极的低音音乐和科幻类型的氛围感兴趣的人都可以找到很多工作。




WiN | AudioZ Exclusive | 647.15 MB

Akai Professional are proud to present Drum & Bass icons – Black Sun Empire. An outstanding collection of the most powerful and heavy sounds, carefully crafted by the masters of Neurofunk. Since appearing on the scene in 1999, they have had many releases that are regarded as groundbreaking in the field of Drum’n’bass but also in the advent of Dubstep. Over the years, they have collaborated with Noisia, Foreign Beggars, State of Mind, The Upbeats, Pythius and Gridlok with releases on DSCI4, Renegade Hardware, Vision, Ram Records, Never Say Die, UKF and many more. This led to them forming their own imprint called Blackout. The diversity of this label is what’s in store for you here.

Inside the Black Sun Empire Expansion, you’ll have instant access to 48 professionally crafted MPC-ready kits built from heavy Punchy Kicks, Dirty Snares, Driving Percussion, Funky Rides and HiHats and complex bass sounds and loops created from over 700 slick samples. Their trademark sound is very well represented, so anyone interested in aggressive bass music as well as science fiction-type atmospheres can find plenty to work with.

All sounds and samples have been professionally mixed and mastered, ready to inject some power and energy into your productions.

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