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Apple MainStage 3.6.4 Multilingual MacOsX

Apple MainStage 3.x Multilingual | Mac Os X | 1.08G


MainStage 3 可让您将 Mac 带到舞台上,它具有针对现场表演而优化的全屏界面、灵活的硬件控制以及与 Logic Pro X 完全兼容的大量插件和声音。

• 使用 80 多种乐器、效果器和 MIDI 插件进行现场表演或使用 Audio Units 插件
• 添加来自 Logic Pro X 和 GarageBand 的声音,将录音室的声音带到舞台上
• 将乐器和现场音频(例如键盘和人声)合并到一个 Patch 中
• 在音色之间切换,无需停止声音输出或切断保留的音符
• 使用分割和分层、琶音器和其他 MIDI 插件设计丰富的键盘音色
• 使用播放功能执行立体声或多轨伴奏音轨
• 64 位架构将系统中的所有 RAM 用于更大的采样仪器

• 连接您最喜欢的硬件并用它来播放和控制您的插件
• 使用配备 USB 和 MIDI 的控制器,例如键盘、脚踏板和鼓垫
• 使用自动设备识别功能即时设置各种硬件
• 快速将硬件旋钮、按钮和推子分配给屏幕控制
• 使用分配和映射概述管理复杂的装备

• 使用可定制的全屏实时界面仅查看您在表演过程中需要的内容
• 智能控制提供随每个补丁而变化的动态性能控制
• 使用高对比度、全屏性能视图,从远处轻松查看 Mac 屏幕

• 演奏 Drum Kit Designer 提供的深度采样、专业混音和完全可定制的鼓组
• 使用 Ultrabeat 鼓机演奏电子节拍
• 使用 Retro Synth 演奏经典的 70 年代和 80 年代风格的合成器声音
• 使用 Vintage B3、Vintage Electric Piano 和 Vintage Clav 忠实地演奏老式键盘模型
• 使用一系列提供模拟、波表、FM 和物理建模合成的合成器来演奏受启发的声音
• 使用 EXS24 采样器演奏或创建各种丰富的采样乐器

• 使用九个 MIDI 插件将简单的想法转化为复杂的表演
• 使用琶音器立即将简单的和弦变成丰富的演奏
• 使用和弦触发器弹奏单个音符以触发预定义的和弦
• 使用 Transposer 演奏一个声部并使音符符合特定音阶

• 使用 Space Designer 卷积混响在真实的声学空间中播放声音
• 使用一系列多抽头、老式磁带和立体声延迟
• 使用各种调制效果为您的曲目添加动感
• 使用一系列均衡器、动态和其他混音工具获得完美的混音

• 通过 Amp Designer 使用复古和现代的放大器、音箱和麦克风构建您自己的吉他或贝斯装备
• 从延迟、失真和调制单块效果器集合中设计定制踏板
• 访问全屏调音器以快速调音

• 超过 1500 个乐器和效果 Patch
• 超过 800 种精心采样的乐器
• 30 个城市和电子鼓机补丁
• 3600 个现代城市和电子风格的 Apple Loops

4GB 内存
分辨率为 1280 x 768 或更高的显示器
OS X v10.8.4 或更高版本
需要 64 位音频单元插件
至少 5GB 磁盘空间(通过应用内下载提供 35GB 可选内容)


Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish

MainStage 3 lets you take your Mac to the stage with a full-screen interface optimized for live performance, flexible hardware control, and a massive collection of plug-ins and sounds that are fully compatible with Logic Pro X.

The Ultimate Live Rig
• Perform live with more than 80 instrument, effect, and MIDI plug-ins or work with Audio Units plug-ins
• Add your sounds from Logic Pro X and GarageBand to bring your studio sound to the stage
• Combine instruments and live audio, such as keyboards and vocals, in a single Patch
• Switch between Patches without stopping sound output or cutting off held notes
• Design rich keyboard Patches using splits and layers, the Arpeggiator, and other MIDI plug-ins
• Perform with stereo or multitrack backing tracks using Playback
• 64-bit architecture uses all the RAM in your system for larger sampled instruments

Hardware Control
• Connect your favorite hardware and use it to play and control your plug-ins
• Use USB and MIDI-equipped controllers like keyboards, foot pedals, and drum pads
• Instantly set up a large variety of hardware using automatic device recognition
• Quickly assign hardware knobs, buttons, and faders to onscreen controls
• Manage sophisticated rigs using the Assignments & Mapping overview

Designed for the Stage
• See only what you need during your performance using a customizable, full-screen live interface
• Smart Controls offer dynamic performance controls that change with each Patch
• Easily view your Mac screen from a distance using a high-contrast, full-screen performance view

Instrument Plug-ins
• Play deeply sampled, professionally mixed, and fully customizable drum kits provided by Drum Kit Designer
• Perform electronic beats with the Ultrabeat drum machine
• Play classic ’70s- and ’80s-style synthesizer sounds using Retro Synth
• Play faithful models of vintage keyboards with Vintage B3, Vintage Electric Piano, and Vintage Clav
• Perform inspired sounds using a collection of synths that provide analog, wavetable, FM, and physical modeling synthesis
• Play or create a wide variety of rich sampled instruments with the EXS24 Sampler

MIDI Plug-ins
• Transform simple ideas into elaborate performances using nine MIDI plug-ins
• Instantly turn a simple chord into a rich performance with the Arpeggiator
• Play a single note to trigger predefined chords with Chord Trigger
• Perform a part and conform notes to a specific scale using Transposer

Creative and Production Effects
• Play your sounds through realistic acoustic spaces using Space Designer convolution reverb
• Use a range of multi-tap, vintage tape, and stereo delays
• Add movement to your tracks with a variety of modulation effects
• Get the perfect mix with a collection of EQs, dynamics, and other mixing tools

Guitar and Bass Gear
• Build your own guitar or bass rig with Amp Designer using vintage and modern amps, cabinets, and mics
• Design a custom Pedalboard from a collection of delay, distortion, and modulation stompboxes
• Access a full-screen Tuner to quickly get in tune

Sound Library
• Over 1500 instrument and effect Patches
• More than 800 meticulously sampled instruments
• 30 urban and electronic drum machine Patches
• 3600 Apple Loops in modern urban and electronic genres

Minimum System Requirements
4GB of RAM
Display with 1280-by-768 resolution or higher
OS X v10.8.4 or later
Requires 64-bit Audio Units plug-ins
Minimum 5GB of disk space (35GB of optional content available via in-app download)

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