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Armaku Acid and Rave Mastery Bundle WAV Ableton Racks and Project Files-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 13 September 2024 | 1.68 GB


我们正在分享生产方法蓝图,其中包括3个文件,详细介绍了酸和狂欢包的创建过程。此外,有一个名为“秘密”的文件,我们概述了一些罕见的Ableton Max Live设备和VST插件,易于使用。通过学习我们制作Acid和Rave音乐的技术,以及一般的制作方法,我们可以确保您永远不会为您的音乐耗尽想法。

Ableton Live 效果 &乐器机架,效果和乐器机架的组合,以增强您的工作流程,并锁定您在流程状态下的创造潜力。

Modded Breaks™1.0和Modded Breaks™2.0完全免费。探索我们对著名的鼓休息,如阿门休息,思考休息&更多。


1000 +样品

•低音提琴:150 +
•鼓:150 +
•效果: 250+
•图片:100 +
•人声:200 +


•Ableton Live机架3.0。


This initiative is led by artists themselves, and our primary goal is to inspire. To achieve this, we have partnered with several talented artists who have provided demos, beats and their Ableton project files. By learning their techniques, you can be inspired by these groundbreaking artists who are making waves in the EDM scene today.

We are sharing the Production Methods Blueprint, which consists of 3 documents detailing the creation process of the Acid and Rave pack. Additionally, there is a document titled “The Secrets” where we outline some rare Ableton Max for Live devices and VST plugins that are easy to use. By learning our techniques for making Acid and Rave music, as well as general production methods, we can ensure that you will never run out of ideas for your music.

Ableton Live FX & Instrument Racks, a combination of effect and instrument racks made to supercharge your workflow and lock in your creative potential in your flow state.

Modded Breaks™ 1.0 and Modded Breaks™ 2.0 completely for FREE. Explore our take on famous drum breaks such as the Amen break, think break & many more.

Bundle Overview

1000+ Samples
•Acid Sample Pack.
•Rave Sample Pack.

Bundle Breakdown:
•Total Sounds: 1000+
•Basses: 150+
•Drums: 150+
•FX: 250+
•Synths: 100+
•Vocals: 200+

Including hand-crafted loops and one-shots.

Mastery Bundle Bonuses:
•Armaku Tools of Acid Music – Learn how to make ACID the way we did.
•Armaku Tools of Rave Music – Simple hacks to make better RAVE music today.
•The Secrets – Our top secret production methods, tools, rare max for live devices and plug-ins with references.
•Ableton Live Racks 3.0.
•Ableton Project Files from Multiple Artists.

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