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Arthouse Acoustics Courtside WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 06 May 2024 | 987.11 MB

Arthouse Acoustics 呈现 Courtside。 这个嘻哈样本集是为舞者准备的。 受到场边音箱的具体节拍的启发,团队开始创作原创作品。 该团队与该领域一些最优秀的音乐家合作,追踪现场钢琴、吉他、贝斯和深情的歌声。 我们更进一步,使用电子管前置放大器、标志性麦克风进行录音,并添加复古制作技术来创建真实的堆栈。 然后,团队对堆栈和主干进行重新采样、下采样和切碎,为您的下一个项目提供旋律库。

还包括一个改变游戏规则的 Boom Bap 鼓套件,结合了录制的内部现场鼓样本、老式鼓机和工作室饱和度。

394 样品


Arthouse Acoustics presents Courtside. This hip hop sample collection is one for the ballers. Inspired by the concrete beats of courtside boomboxes, the team went to work creating original compositions. Working with some of the finest musicians in their field, the team tracked live pianos, guitars, bass and soulful vocals. We took it one step further, recording with tube preamps, iconic microphones and adding vintage production techniques to create authentic stacks. The team then resampled, downsampled and chopped the stacks and stems, providing an arsenal of melodics for your next project.

Also included is a game changing boom bap drum kit, crafted with a combination of recorded in-house live drum samples, vintage drum machines and studio saturation.

394 Samples

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