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Arturia Analog Lab V v5.7.3 WIN

File size: 2.95 GB

Analog Lab 可让您轻松访问我们屡获殊荣的 V 系列中的 6500 多个最热门预设。 具有所有 21 个忠实建模的复古键盘的声音,将令人惊叹的声音与卓越的易用性和出色的功能相结合。 除了研究音乐社区的反馈之外,我们的开发人员还与专业的人体工程学专家携手合作,优化了这款音乐制作和表演梦想乐器的各个方面。 它带来了直观的界面、组织精美的基于类别的浏览体验以及声音参数的自然映射,创建了一个独立的传奇声音声音百科全书。

你只关心声音。 模拟实验室也是如此。
当您可以获得经典乐器的忠实复制品时,为什么还要选择经典乐器的样品呢? 在 Analog Lab 中,您可以体验 Arturia 屡获殊荣的 V Collection 中的最佳声音,其中包含 21 个经典合成器、风琴和钢琴,所有这些都是原件的真实物理模型。 没有什么比任何地方都能提供的更真实的昔日有机音质了。

Analog Lab 为您提供创造音乐历史的 21 种乐器中最好的,所有这些都集中在一个方便的地方。

模拟合成器。 数字合成器。 原声钢琴。 电钢琴。 器官。 弦机。 Analog Lab 提供 21 种最好的老式乐器复制品,让您超越时间和风格,为您提供从过去最具标志性的声音到当今最前沿的现代声音设计的一切。 无论您是作曲、录音还是表演,超过 6500 种声音涵盖了您能想到的所有歌曲、流派、情绪和氛围,无需编程。 可以单独使用它,也可以与您最喜欢的 DAW 一起使用。

更新了 V Collection 6 中的声音
来自业内一些最优秀的声音设计师的 6500 多种声音
预设从我们的 V Collection 6 中精心挑选(ARP 2600 V、B-3 V、CS-80 V、Farfisa V、Jup-8 V、Matrix-12 V、Mini V、Modular V、Prophet V、Prophet VS、SEM V、Solina V、Stage-73 V、Synclavier V、Piano V2、Vox Continental V、Wurli V、Buchla Easel V、Clavinet V、DX7 V 和 CMI V)
Arturia 键盘参数的自动映射
参数可以轻松映射到其他 MIDI 控制器
完整的预设编辑可供我们合成器完整版本(Mini V、Modular V、CS-80V、Wurlitzer V 等)的所有者使用
用户界面自动配置以匹配您的 Arturia 控制器


Analog Lab gives you streamlined access to 6500+ of the hottest presets from our award-winning V Collection. Featuring sounds from all 21 faithfully modeled vintage keyboards, combining awe-inspiring sound with exceptional ease of use and awesome features. In addition to studying the feedback from the music community, our developers worked hand-in-hand with professional ergonomists to optimize each aspect of this music production & performance dream instrument. It resulted in an intuitive interface, a beautifully organized category based browsing experience, and natural mapping of the sonic parameters, creating a self-contained sonic encyclopedia of legendary sounds.

Keeping it real
You’re all about the sound. So is Analog Lab.
Why settle for samples of classic instruments when you can have faithful reproductions of them? In Analog Lab, you’re surfing the best sounds from Arturia’s award-winning V Collection of 21 classic synths, organs and pianos—all of which are authentic physical models of the originals. There’s simply nothing more true to the organic sound quality of yesteryear available anywhere.

All of your favorite go-to sounds at your fingertips
Analog Lab gives you the best of 21 instruments that made music history, all in one convenient place.

Analog synthesizers. Digital synthesizers. Acoustic pianos. Electric pianos. Organs. Strings machines. With the best of 21 vintage instrument reproductions on tap, Analog Lab lets you transcend time and style by arming you with everything from the most iconic sounds of the past to modern sound designs that are cutting edge today. Whether you’re composing, recording or performing, over 6500 sounds cover every song, genre, mood and ambience you can think of—no programming required. Use it standalone or with your favorite DAW.

Main Features
The original hardware/software hybrid synthesizer
Updated with sounds from the V Collection 6
Over 6500 sounds from some of the best sound designers in the industry
Presets are carefully selected from our V Collection 6 (ARP 2600 V, B-3 V, CS-80 V, Farfisa V, Jup-8 V, Matrix-12 V, Mini V, Modular V, Prophet V, Prophet VS, SEM V, Solina V, Stage-73 V, Synclavier V, Piano V2, Vox Continental V, Wurli V, Buchla Easel V, Clavinet V, DX7 V and CMI V)
Updated browser to find your sound quickly: by Type (Bass, Pads, Leads…), by Characteristics (long, bright, dark…), etc.
Multi mode for creating your own layers, splits and adding effects
Automatic mapping of parameters for Arturia keyboards
Parameters can be mapped easily to other MIDI controllers
Standalone or plug-in operation (VST, VST3, AU, AAX)
Full preset editing available for owners of the full versions of our synthesizers (Mini V, Modular V, CS-80V, Wurlitzer V, etc.)
User interface configures automatically to match your Arturia controller



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