DRUGGYAUDIOZ | 12 September 2023 | 700 MB
无论准备好与否,我们都将再次飞向宇宙最黑暗的角落,而这一次,我们可能不会回来。 Dark Lo-Fi 5 具有梦幻般的钢琴循环与沙砾饱和度的融合,柔和的和弦与标志性的、尘土飞扬的、极其微妙的黑胶唱片噪音相得益彰,以及丰富的平滑、圆润的纹理。 Laffey、Hoogway、Casiio 和 Softy 影响了这个令人心旷神怡的声音之旅的每一个元素,我们唯一的目标就是让您感觉自己正在完全不同的星系中航行,其中 XP 是一种合法的货币形式
232 样品
Ready or not, we’re blasting off into the darkest corners of the universe once again and this time, we might not come back. Dark Lo-Fi 5 features dreamy piano loops blended with gritty saturation, mellow chords graced by that signature, dusty, ever-so-delicate noise of vinyl, and smooth, mellow textures galore. Laffey, Hoogway, Casiio, and Softy influenced every element of this chill sonic journey, where our one and only goal is to make you feel like you’re navigating a different galaxy altogether, where XP are a legit form of currency
232 Samples