132 MB
三台经典鼓机(808,909 和 606)在一个插件中使用虚拟模拟仿真和采样播放器
来自所有发生器的声音可以混合,例如来自 909 的低音鼓与来自 808 的踩镲。
轰隆隆的低音鼓、俏皮的铙钹和清脆的军鼓可以用来描述 80 年代早期鼓机的声音。 ADM 将那个时代的三台经典老式鼓机合二为一,并结合了 32 步内部音序器和模式控制效果 (PCF)。 通过 Import Rebirth 功能或直接通过 sysex 从您的 909 将您的所有模式导入 ADM(我们将提供一个免费的转储 Sysex 工具)。
Three classic drum machines (808,909 and 606) using virtual analog emulation and sample player in one plug-in
Sound from all generators can be mixed, for instance bass drum from 909 with hi-hats from the 808.
Booming bass drums, saucy cymbals and crispy snares can be used to describe the sound of drum machines from the early 80’s. ADM emulates three classic vintage drum machines from that era rolled into one, combined with a 32-step internal sequencer and pattern controlled effects (PCF). Get all your patterns into ADM via the Import Rebirth function or directly from your 909 via sysex (we will provide a free tool for dumping Sysex).