TeamCubeadooby | 26 November 2023 | 16.24 MB
Crystalline 站在 60 年來追逐“DSP 聖杯”的肩膀上。 我們問自己,如果傳奇數字混響的先驅們擁有我們今天擁有的資源,他們會做什麽——然後我們就制作了這個插件。 擁有現代工程師所需的所有功能。
* Crystalline 是一款全新、最先進的混響插件,具有原始而現代的聲音
* 爲您提供前所未有的創意控制來塑造您的倒影
* 讓您将混響開始和衰減時間與歌曲的節奏同步
* 20 世紀經典錄音室混響的演變 – 現已全面升級
BPM 同步的開始和結束時間
Crystalline 可讓您将混響起音和衰減時間硬同步到 DAW 的節奏。 這通常會産生更幹淨的混音,其中反射自然地與音樂同步。
更喜歡經典的方式? 隻需按下“Sync/MS”開關,Crystalline 就可以讓您以毫秒爲單位設置預延遲和衰減時間。
Windows 7 或更高版本
Crystalline stands on the shoulders of 60 years of chasing ‘the holy grail of DSP’. We’ve asked ourselves what the pioneers of the legendary digital reverbs would have done if they had the resources we have today – and then we’ve made exactly that plugin. With all the bells and whistles a modern engineer would need.
Make Space For Lushness
* Crystalline is a new, state-of-the-art, reverb plugin with a pristine and modern sound
* Gives you unprecedented creative control to shape your reflections
* Lets you sync reverb start and decay times to your song’s tempo
* An evolution of classic 20th century studio reverbs – fully upgraded for today
BPM-Synced Start And End Times
Crystalline lets you hard-sync the reverb attack and decay time to your DAW’s tempo. This will generally result in cleaner mixes where the reflections are naturally in sync with the music.
Prefer the classic way? Just hit the “Sync/MS” switch and Crystalline lets you set pre-delay and decay times in milliseconds instead.
Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
System Requirements
Windows 7 or newer