BUBBiX | 13 November 2024 | 61 MB
Transit 2是我們與Andrew Huang合作的下一個篇章。使用6種不同的運動模式來控制28個效果模塊,并創建無盡的運動形式來激活您的軌道。從令人上瘾的節奏運動到震撼聽衆的有力過渡。
1. 如果你已經安裝了Transit 2 v1.0.0版本,隻需重新安裝即可。
2. 如果是第一次安裝,請閱讀下面的内容
PC: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\ af854ba56b229a56c422472ee764eba8
MAC: ~/庫/應用程序支持/af854ba56b229a56c422472ee764eba8
支持的平台:Mac OS 10.11及以上(包括原生蘋果矽M1/M2兼容性)。
The plugin that kills static mixes
Transit 2 is the next chapter of our collaboration with Andrew Huang. Use 6 different motion modes to control 28 effect modules and create endless forms of movement to energize your tracks. From addictive rhythmic motion to powerful transitions that sweep listeners off their feet.
1. If you already have Transit 2 v1.0.0 regged, just install over.
2. If its your first install read below
Put license file here
PC: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\af854ba56b229a56c422472ee764eba8
MAC: ~/Library/Application Support/af854ba56b229a56c422472ee764eba8
System Requirements
Platforms supported: Mac OS 10.11 and up (including Native Apple Silicon M1/M2 Compatibility).