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P2P | 27 April 2024 | 560 MB

Boundaries 是制作人 Bald Carla 创建的样本包。 该包包含丰富的复古声音和作品,将让您惊叹不已,并为任何音乐项目带来独特的氛围。 在 Boundaries 中,您会发现各种各样的声音,从经典复古钢琴到故意扭曲的吉他连复段。

该样本包的每个元素都具有卓越的录音质量,捕捉复古装备和乐器的温暖和特征。 Boundaries 中包含的曲目将激发您创作独特的音乐曲目。 充满灵魂和深度的旋律线会让您在音乐中感受到真正的情感联系。

该示例包中的每个元素都能唤起一种怀旧感,同时保持现代感和相关性。 对于任何想要为自己的曲目增添复古魅力和真实性的音乐制作人来说,Boundaries 是完美的选择。 该样品包充满了过去的能量,与现代技术相融合,将您的创造力提升到一个新的水平。


Boundaries is a sample pack created by producer Bald Carla. This pack contains a rich collection of vintage sounds and compositions that will take your breath away and bring a unique atmosphere to any musical project. Inside Boundaries you’ll find a wide range of sounds, from classic retro pianos to deliberately distorted guitar riffs.

Each element of this sample pack features exceptional recording quality that captures the warmth and character of vintage gear and instruments. The tracks included in Boundaries will inspire you to create unique music tracks. Melodic lines filled with soul and depth will allow you to feel a real emotional connection in your music.

Each element within this sample pack is able to evoke a feeling of nostalgia while remaining modern and relevant at the same time. Boundaries is the perfect choice for any music producers who want to add vintage charm and authenticity to their tracks. This sample pack is imbued with the energy of the past, which merges with modern technology and takes your creativity to the next level.

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