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Battersea Audio Polygrade Tape Synth KONTAKT-ohsie

ohsie | 11 May 2024 | 653 MB

Polygrade 使用从硬件合成器记录的波形,而不是使用传统的数字振荡器。 然后通过磁带机对这些进行记录和降级,然后将其装入 Polygrade 中。 预设使用各种输入样本,旨在进一步增强磁带声音。

Polygrade 上的每个声音都经过一系列模拟设备。 最后的修饰来自老式磁带——赋予它在软件乐器中罕见的不可预测性的优势。

请注意,下周将进行更新,预设总数将增加到 100 多个,并且介绍性定价将结束。 那些在更新之前购买 Polygrade 的人将免费收到它!

通过丰富的合成音调锁定我们之前的时间,从打击垫、主音、低音到效果器。 通过无与伦比的复古魅力提升您的作品 – 可以添加四个可选的噪音层,并在伦敦各地录制。

Polygrade 提供了数字软件合成器和 DAW 中常见的独特声音库; 温暖、扭曲、鼓舞人心。 时而温柔,时而混乱。

专为 Kontakt Player 打造
使用 Polygrade,无需专门的安装人员。 由于它旨在与免费的 Kontakt 播放器配合使用,因此您可以将 Polygrade 添加到您现有的 Native Instruments 库中,或者免费下载 Kontakt 来开始使用。 作为 Native Instruments 的 NKI 合作伙伴,Battersea Audio 仪器通过 NI 的 QA 控制和编码流程运行。


Rather than using traditional digital oscillators, Polygrade uses waveforms recorded from hardware synthesizers. These are then recorded and degraded via tape cassette machines, before being housed within Polygrade. Presets use a variety of input samples, designed to further enhance the tape sound.

Every sound on Polygrade is run-through a range of analog equipment. The final touch comes from vintage tape cassette – giving it an edge of rare unpredictability within software instruments.

Note that an update is due in the next week which will increase the total number of presets to over 100, and introductory pricing will end. Those who purchased Polygrade prior to the update will receive it for free!

Warm Sonic Palette
Lock in to a time before our time with rich synth tones, from pads, to leads, to bass, to FX. Elevate your compositions with the unmatched allure of vintage character – with four optional noise layers that can be added, recorded in locations around London.

Truly Unique
Polygrade offers a library of sounds unique to those typically found in digital software synthesizers and DAWs; warm, distorted, and inspiring. Sometimes gentle, sometimes chaotic.

Built for Kontakt Player
With Polygrade, there’s no need for dedicated installers. Because it’s designed to work with the free Kontakt player, you can add Polygrade to your existing arsenal of Native Instruments’ library, or download Kontakt for free to get started. As a Native Instruments’ NKI partner, Battersea Audio instruments are run through NI’s QA control and encoding process.

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