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BBE Sound Sonic Sweet 4.6.0 WIN

File size: 14 MB

BBE Sonic Sweet“优化”是对原始“Sonic Sweet”插件包中包含的插件的完全重写。 它旨在让您的混音像其前身一样更清晰、更响亮,它为该系列添加了第四个新插件:Mach 3 Bass。 该捆绑包的核心仍然是 BBE 著名的 Sonic Maximiser 硬件系列的软件版本,这是对其独家处理技术的仿真,为声音增强设定了基准。 自 80 年代首次推出以来,世界知名音乐家一直坚持使用 BBE Sound 专业音频处理器。

BBE 的 Sonic Sweet“优化”将增加高频的清晰度和低频的丰满度,就像他们著名的硬件处理器没有大多数其他声音增强器常见的“嘶嘶声”或数字“嘶嘶声”一样。 这个新的“优化”版本带来的改进延伸到新的优化 GUI 和改进的控件,用于微调您的声音。

D82 是最新的 Sonic Maximizer 应用程序,采用易于使用的插件,可恢复声像的自然清晰度和深度。
Lo Contour – 调节相位补偿量
过程 – 调节相位补偿高量
电平 – 将输出电平从 -12dB 调整到 +12dB

H82 Harmonic Maximizer 是一款多频段增强器,可生成谐波以增强频率,从低频冲击力到高频嘶嘶声。
Lo Tune – 选择低频范围进行谐波增强
Lo Mix – 调整谐波增强的级别
Hi Tune – 选择谐波增强的高频范围
Hi Mix – 调整谐波增强的级别
输出电平 – 将输出电平从 -12dB 调整到 0dB

L82 响度最大化器是一款有效、易于使用的母带处理/动态限制器,可增强音轨以获得精致、专业的感觉。
灵敏度 – 将输入灵敏度级别从 0dB 调整到 -30dB
释放 – 在 0-100ms 范围内调整释放时间
输出电平 – 将输出电平从 -12dB 调整到 0dB

平台:WiN64 – VST/VST3/AAX


The BBE Sonic Sweet “Optimised” is a complete rewrite of the plug-ins included in the original “Sonic Sweet” plug-ins bundle. Designed to make your mixes clearer and louder like its forerunner, it adds a new fourth plug-in to the collection, the Mach 3 Bass. At the heart of the bundle there is still the software version of BBE’s famous Sonic Maximiser hardware range, which is an emulation of their exclusive processing technologies that has set the benchmark for sound enhancement. World-renowned musicians have insisted upon using BBE Sound professional audio processors since they were first introduced in the ’80s.

BBE’s Sonic Sweet “Optimised” will add clarity to the top end and fatness to the bottom, just like their famous hardware processors do without the “fizz” or digital “sizzle” common to most other sonic enhancers. The refinements brought by this new “Optimised” version extends to a new optimised GUI and improved controls for fine-tuning your sound.

The D82 is the latest Sonic Maximizer application in a easy-to-use plug-in that restores natural clarity and depth to the sound image.
Lo Contour – regulates the amount of phase-compensated
low frequencies
Process – regulates the amount of phase-compensated high
frequencies Output
Level – adjusts output level from -12dB to +12dB

The H82 Harmonic Maximizer is a Multi-band enhancer that generates harmonics for adding emphasis to frequencies, from low-end punch to top-end sizzle.
Lo Tune – selects range of low frequencies for harmonic enhancement
Lo Mix – adjusts level of harmonic enhancement
Hi Tune – selects range of high frequencies for harmonic enhancement
Hi Mix – adjusts level of harmonic enhancement
Output Level – adjust output level from -12dB to 0dB

The L82 Loudness Maximizer is an effective, easy-to-use Mastering/Dynamics Limiter that fattens up tracks for a polished, professional feel.
Sensitivity – adjusts input sensitivity level from 0dB to -30dB
Release – adjusts release time from 0-100ms
Output Level – adjusts output level from -12dB to 0dB

Platform: WiN64 – VST/VST3/AAX



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