XPN | 1.06 GB
MPC 扩展:模拟压力 – 128 Studio Electronics SE-3X 音色
有合成器可以产生美妙的声音,也有一些合成器的基本音色会让您哑口无言。 最重要的是,它们会触发终极 G.A.S. (齿轮获取综合症)。 Studio Electronics SE-3X – 具有坚硬的低音和尖锐的主音 – 显然属于第二类。 但是模拟战舰不仅仅是 Minimoog 的克隆,它提供了更多的创造性可能性,我们已经在我们的声音库中捕获了这些可能性。 考瓦邦加!!
1.3 GB 样本(MPC 优化)
62 主音和合成音
4 垫
兼容 Akai MPC One、X、Live、Live mkII、Force、Studio、Touch、Software、MPC Beats & Renaissance
MPC Expansion: ANALOG PRESSURE – 128 Studio Electronics SE-3X Patches
There are synths that produce a nice sound, and then there are those that leave you speechless with their fat basic sound. On top they trigger the ultimate G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome). The Studio Electronics SE-3X – with its hard basses and biting leads – clearly belongs to the second category. But the analogue battleship isn’t just a Minimoog clone, it offers much more creative possibilities, which we have captured in our sound bank. Cowabunga!!
Product details:
1.3 GB Samples (optimiert for MPCs)
128 Keygroup Programs
52 Basses
6 Drums
62 Lead- & Synth-Sounds
4 Pads
640 Samples
Audio demos per keygroup
Compatible with Akai MPC One, X, Live, Live mkII, Force, Studio, Touch, Software, MPC Beats & Renaissance