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Beautiful Void Audio Autumn Choirs for Omnisphere 2

Presets | 834Mb

Autumn Choirs 是 Omnisphere 2.8 的一个美丽、神秘、混乱和令人难以忘怀的合集,包含 90 个 Patch,基于秋风样本和人声样本。 图书馆的核心是 52 个郁郁葱葱、有质感的垫子、音景和无人机床。 然而,还有大量其他音色是您无法从声源材料中获得的,例如独特的切分音、充满活力的节奏音色集合。

该库基于 Kontakt 的同名库,该库是几年前与 Sound Aesthetics Sampling 的 Paul Lebkuchner 合作发布的。
Kontakt 库的最初灵感来自克劳德·德彪西 (Claude Debussy) 的作品《Sirens》。 那首曲子的编曲和演奏常常让我想起冬天来临前的秋风。 拟音风样本经过元音过滤器调整并发送,以使它们在自然界中尽可能“有声”。 尽管该图书馆非常独特且鼓舞人心,但它实际上不包含任何人声样本。
然而,对于这个全球版本,有大量新的声源材料,而原始 Kontakt 版本中没有这些材料。 这主要包括真实的人声样本,以及经过大量编辑以创建混合变形样本的样本 – 声音、管乐和其他乐器的组合(Elixer Ready Tape 和 Elixer Laid In Earth 中使用的混合技术)。 该技术涉及分别解构样本的谐波,然后重建它们,将它们交织在一起。 结果是一个样本,它不仅是风样本,也不仅仅是声音样本,而是两者的组合——以一种准自然的方式。 最终,这对声音的影响可能是超凡脱俗且令人难以忘怀的。


ARP+BPM – 32(16 + 16 种变化)
热门歌曲和片段 – 4
有机混合 – 11
键盘 – 2
打击垫和琴弦 – 8
可播放纹理 – 21
纹理音景 – 12


Autumn Choirs is a beautiful, mysterious, chaotic, and haunting collection of 90 patches for Omnisphere 2.8, based on autumn wind samples and also vocal samples. The heart of the library are the 52 lush, textural pads, soundscapes and drone beds. However, there are a good number of other patches you would not expect from the sound source material – like the unique collection of syncopated, vibrant rhythm patches.

The library is based on the library of the same name for Kontakt, which was released several years ago in collaboration with Paul Lebkuchner at Sound Aesthetics Sampling.
The initial inspiration for the Kontakt library was the piece called “Sirens” by Claude Debussy. The vocal arrangement and performances of that piece often reminded me of the violent autumn winds right before winter would arrive. Foley wind samples were tuned and sent through vowel filters in order to get them to be as “vocal” as possible in nature. Though the library turned out very unique and inspiring, it actually contained no samples from the human voice.
However, for this omnisphere release, there is a significant amount of new sound source material, not present in the original Kontakt release. Mainly this consists of real vocal samples, as well as samples which were heavily edited in order to create hybrid, morphed samples – A combining of voice, wind and other instruments (the hybrid techniques used in Elixer Prepared Tape and Elixer Laid In Earth). This technique involved deconstructing the harmonics of the samples separately, and then reconstructing them, interweaving them together. The result is a sample which is neither just a wind sample nor just a voice sample, but a combination of the two – in a quasi natural way. Ultimately, the effect this has on the sound can be otherworldly and haunting.

Contents of patch library:

ARP+BPM – 32 (16 + 16 variations)
Hits And Bits – 4
Hybrid Organic – 11
Keyboards – 2
Pads And Strings – 8
Textures Playable – 21
Textures Soundscape – 12

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