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Beautiful Void Audio Time Dilation for Omnisphere 2

Presets | 2.3Gb

Time Dilation 是 Omnisphere 2.8.0 的颗粒状、美丽、lofi、奇怪和美妙声音的集合

有 246 个预设由 210 个自定义声源创建。 预设范围从深沉的郁郁葱葱的垫子,动态和充满活力的琶音,奇怪的和声纹理,甚至黑暗和险恶的无人机。 有时甚至会有美丽而低调的声音。


声源是通过突破 MIDI 数据处理的极限而创建的。 每分钟通过软合成器和采样器处理 50 万到 800 万个音符。 当然,当将如此多的 MIDI 通过合成器时,并不是所有音符都能被处理 – 但这就是美妙之处。 奇怪而奇特的文物出现,奇怪而美妙的和声结构应运而生——这很难通过其他过程复制。

这个过程本质上可以被认为是细粒度的。 正因为如此,许多声音在结构上都深沉而饱满。



21 ARP
3 钟声与共鸣
13 黄铜
3 个键盘
23 器官
39 打击板和琴弦
4 拨弦
57* 心理声学
14 合成单声道
5 合成聚合物
62 种可播放纹理
2 纹理音景


要求:Omnisphere 2.8.0+ 和 3.5 GB 可用硬盘空间


Time Dilation is a collection of grainy, beautiful, lofi, strange and wonderful sounds for Omnisphere 2.8.0

There are 246 presets created from 210 custom soundsources. The presets ranging from deep lush pads, dynamic and vibrant arps, strange harmonic textures, to even dark and menacing drones. Sometimes there are even beautiful and understated sounds.

How it was made:

The sound sources were created by pushing the limits of MIDI data processing. Anywhere from 500k to 8 Million notes were processed per minute – through soft synths and samplers. Of course, not all notes can be processed when putting that much MIDI through a synth – but that is where the beauty comes. Strange and peculiar artifacts emerge, and weird and wonderful harmonic structures come into being – that would be difficult to replicate through other processes.

This process could be thought of as granular in nature. Because of this, many of the sounds are texturally deep and full.

Though there are numerous categories of sound, most of them are still heavily textured in nature.

Category and Preset Count:

3 Bells And Vibes
13 Brass
3 Keyboards
23 Organs
39 Pads And Strings
4 Plucks
57* Psychoacoustics
14 Synth Mono
5 Synth Poly
62 Textures Playable
2 Textures Soundscape

*This category primarily deals with the perception of sound, and includes mostly strange and unusual sounds that can often play on your expectations

Requirements: Omnisphere 2.8.0+ and 3.5 GB free HD space

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