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Best Service Engine Artists Library for ENGINE v1.2.1-R2R

Team R2R | 13 Jan 2022 | 2.47GB

Engine Artists Library 总共包含 21 个用于 Best Service Engine 2 的演示库。从原声和电子鼓,到独特的虚拟合成,再到过去珍贵的民族声音,Engine 2 世界提供了广泛的乐器和声音用于专业用途。


NADA 是一个令人着迷的冥想、新时代和放松音乐的声音集合。在 NADA,您会发现鼓舞人心的乐器,例如弦乐、管乐器、打击乐器、钢琴、永恒的发声碗、眼镜和铃铛。此外,NADA 为您提供迷人的泛音歌声和迷人迷人的女性独唱以及深沉、宁静和温暖的 Meditations Pads。


用阿拉伯沉香木(音乐史上最古老的弦乐器之一)唤醒天方夜谭的声音。探索阿拉伯音乐传统,并用乌德琴的多功能音谱丰富您的作品。尝试最常用的东方音乐微调,让自己从 oud 的声音中获得灵感。

演示版包含一些有限范围的演奏变化,以及一首 MIDI 歌曲。

凭借黑暗时代,神秘声音大师爱德华多·塔里隆特(Eduardo Tarilonte)将我们带回到了传说诞生的黑暗时代,古老的北方诸神仍然决定着人类的命运。这个图书馆可以让您发现维京人和其他已经被遗忘的文化和部落正在庆祝和歌唱他们的神话的声音。

演示版提供了所有类别的乐器选择,演奏范围有限,包括喉咙歌唱和 Tagelharpa。

由 Eduardo Tarilonte 制作的《手风琴 2》自发布以来一直被认为是首选。如果您正在寻找逼真的,尤其是可演奏的手风琴库,Accordions 2 是您的首选。


凭借 Celtic ERA,Eduardo Tarilonte 再次带您踏上一段迷人的时空之旅,向北旅行到凯尔特文化的根源。声音已经在爱尔兰的绿色广袤和高山中播放了很长时间,现在可以通过 Celtic ERA 触手可及。

演示版包括 5 种演奏范围有限的乐器和精选的发音,以及两个完整的音景,为这个独特的图书馆提供了一个伟大的斯内克峰!

Ancient Era Persia – 来自被遗忘的中东地区的声音集合。
使用 28 种 (!) 完全可演奏的乐器创建自己的旋律,深度采样,真正的连奏和滑音,不同的动态和大量的发音。


4 音景


ERA II Vocal Codex 是对 Era II Medieval Legends 的完美补充。它通过添加真实的独奏声音来完成这个非凡的中世纪图书馆。


KLANGHAUS BIO MACHINE 是原 Klanghaus 2 图书馆的下一个重要补充。由德国音乐家、声音艺术家和乐器设计师 Ferdinand Foersch 制作、创作和录制,并由 Best Service 实现。使用 BIO MACHINE,您可以访问由 Ferdinand Foersch 演奏和编程的大量独特节奏和奇异打击乐、雷鸣钹和前所未闻的弦乐器循环。


Alpine Volksmusik 提供 24 种单一乐器,从手风琴到“Zillertaler”小提琴。
该系列提供了您以正宗的 Alpine 和 Upper Carniola 风格创作音乐所需的一切。只有这一流派的最佳艺术家才能为这些乐器录制。


Organum Venezia – 每个古典/教堂管风琴演奏者的必备品,以及浪漫的法式教堂管风琴声音的爱好者! “Organum Venezia”是一个虚拟的教堂管风琴。它实际上位于威尼斯(意大利)附近并记录下来,它反映了典型的法国浪漫风琴的特征和声音,如卡瓦耶-科尔和普吉特建造的风琴。

除了大的“TUTTI”声音外,您还可以在有限的播放区域的演示中播放寄存器 Ripieno、Old Chappel 和 GOR Plein。


TITAN 2 的声音库翻了一番,添加了无数新的预设、完全重新设计的用户界面以及声音塑造潜力,甚至超过了原版,从而超越了它的前身!

12,800 个预设中的 84 个可以在此演示版中播放和编辑!

Klanghaus 2 – Unique Instruments – 由 Ferdinand Foersch 发明和建造。通过您的 KLANGHAUS 2 虚拟乐器,您可以使用由 Ferdinand Foersch 发明和制造的一系列独特乐器。


Voyager Drums – by Best Service 为您带来两个 Power Drum Kits,由“Artist-Drums”和“Artist Grooves”的制造商录制和编辑。强劲有力的声音非常适合您的流行、摇滚、爵士和放克作品。包括即时使用的 360 MIDI 凹槽。

该演示包括有限形式的套件 1 的直接麦克风位置(无循环,更少的速度区)。

ERA II Medieval Legends – 一个由骑士、公主和龙组成的被遗忘的幻想世界的精彩合集。


Forest Kingdom II 是一个受自然启发的独特样本库。这是一个神奇的样本库中的森林和丛林的声音以及大自然的声音!


京剧打击乐器 – 是中国传统戏曲中使用的高品质鼓和打击乐器的集合。尤其是作为中国文化瑰宝之一的京剧和被誉为百戏“老师”或“母亲”的昆曲,更是利用了这些声音。

demoversion 包含这个真实打击乐库的完整套件。

Galaxy X – 经过三年的开发 Galaxy Instruments 自豪地推出了一款令人兴奋的全新虚拟乐器,具有非凡的全新声音设计:GALAXY X 是一款 CONVOLUTION 合成器,为您带来极其强大和创造性的声音设计工具:FX CONVOLUTION



The Engine Artists Library includes a total of 21 demo libraries for the Best Service Engine 2. From acoustic and electronic drums, to unique virtual synthesis, to precious, ethnic sounds of the past, the Engine 2 universe offers a wide range of instruments and sounds for professional use.

Including demo instruments from:

NADA is a fascinating collection of Sounds for Meditation, New Age, and Relaxation Music. In NADA you will find inspiring instruments such as Strings, Winds, Percussions, Pianos, Eternal Sounding Bowls, Glasses and Bells. Moreover, NADA offers you mesmerizing overtone Singing Voices and an alluring and charming Female Solo Voice as well as deep, peaceful, and warm Meditations Pads.

The demo version offers some fully playable soundscapes, as well as percussion, woodwinds and voices with a limited performance range.

Awaken the sound of the Arabian Nights to life with Arabic Oud, one of the oldest string instruments in music history. Explore the Arabic music tradition and enrich your compositions with the versatile sound spectrum of the Oud. Experiment with the most commonly used microtunings of oriental music and let yourself be inspired by the sound of the oud.

The demo version contains some playing variations with a limited range, as well as a midi song.

With Dark ERA, Eduardo Tarilonte – the master of mystical sounds – leads us back into the dark age where legends were born and where old northern gods still determined the fate of mankind. This library allows you to discover sounds to which the vikings and other already forgotten cultures and tribes were celebrating and singing their myths.

The demo version offers a selection of instruments from all categories with a limited playing range, including Throat Singing and Tagelharpa.

Produced by Eduardo Tarilonte, Accordions 2 has been considered the first choice since its release. If you are looking for realistic and, above all, playable accordion libraries, Accordions 2 is your first choice.

In the demo version you have access to all single accordions of the Engine Edition with limited features.

With Celtic ERA, Eduardo Tarilonte once again takes you to a fascinating journey through time, traveling far north to the roots of the Celtic culture. Sounds have been played in the green vastness and the high mountains of Ireland for ages and are now available at your fingertips with Celtic ERA.

The demo version includes 5 instruments with limited playing range and a selection of articulations, as well as two complete soundscapes, offering a great sneek peak of this unique library!

Ancient Era Persia – A collection of sounds from forgotten places of the middle east.
Create your own melodies with 28 (!) fully playable instruments, deeply sampled, with true legato and glissandi, different dynamics and lots of articulations.

The demo version includes:

Duduk (limited playing range)
Turkish Mey (limited playing range)
Turkish Violin (limited playing range)
Percussion Loops und Phrasen (demo selection)
4 Soundscapes

Eduardo Tarilonte Vocal Codex – Voices of the past

ERA II Vocal Codex is the perfect addition to Era II Medieval Legends. It completes this extraordinary medieval-library by adding authentic sounding solo voices.

The demo contains two voices as a playable version (limited playing range), as well as a selection of the unique phrases of the other two performers. Three soundscapes complete the free demo version.

KLANGHAUS BIO MACHINE is the next great addition to the original Klanghaus 2 Library. Produced, composed and recorded by German musician, sound artist and instrument designer Ferdinand Foersch & realized by Best Service. With BIO MACHINE you have access to a big collection of unique rhythms and loops of bizarre percussions, thunderous cymbals & never-heard-before string instruments played and programmed by Ferdinand Foersch.

The four demo patches offer the complete scope of the editing possibilities, including the numerous modulation presets!

Alpine Volksmusik offers 24 single instruments, from Accordion to the „Zillertaler“ violin.
This collection offers everything you need to compose music in the authentic Alpine and Upper Carniola style. Only the best artists of this genre were recorded for these instruments.

Bass trombone, dulcimer, nylon guitar, as well as a Styrian harmonica can be tested with limited playing range and all articulations!

Organum Venezia – a must for every Classical/Church Pipe Organ player, and lover of the romantic French type church organ sound! “Organum Venezia” is a virtual church organ. Actually located and recorded near Venice (Italy), it reflects the characteristics and sound of a typical French romantic organ like the ones built by Cavaillé-Coll and Puget.

Aside from the big “TUTTI” sound, you can play the registers Ripieno, Old Chappel and GOR Plein in the demo with a limited playing area.

Experience the most extensive and diversified synthesizer in a completely new version!

TITAN 2 outshines its predecessor by doubling its sound-library, adding countless new presets, a fully redesigned user-interface as well as sound shaping potential exceeding even the originals!

84 of the 12,800 presets can be played and edited in this demo version!

Klanghaus 2 – Unique Instruments – invented and constructed by Ferdinand Foersch. With your KLANGHAUS 2 virtual instrument you have access to a collection of unique instruments, invented and constructed by Ferdinand Foersch.

A total of four big patches of this impressive sound library can be tested without any restrictions!

Voyager Drums – by Best Service brings you two Power Drum Kits, recorded and edited by the maker of “Artist-Drums” and “Artist Grooves”. The punchy and powerful sound is perfect for your Pop, Rock, Jazz and Funk productions. 360 MIDI Grooves for instant use are included.

The demo includes the direct microphone position of Kit 1 in limited form (no round robin, less velocity zones).

ERA II Medieval Legends – a wonderful collection of a forgotten fantasy world of knights, princesses and dragons.

The demo version contains a small selection of the numerous instruments and soundscapes, which are available with the full playing range. Highlight is the Renaissance Tenor Recorder with numerous articulations, including Real Legato!

Forest Kingdom II is a unique sample library inspired by Nature. It is the sound of forests and jungles and the sound of Mother Nature in one magic sample library!

The demo features eight instruments and soundscapes from this award-winning collection.

Peking Opera Percussion – is a collection of high quality drum and percussion instruments used in traditional Chinese Opera. Especially the Peking Opera, one of the cultural treasures of China, and Kunqu Opera, known as the „teacher“ or „mother“ of a hundred operas, took advantage of these sounds.

The demoversion contains a complete kit of this authentic percussion library.

Galaxy X – After three years of development Galaxy Instruments proudly presents an exciting new virtual instrument with an extraordinary new kind of sound design: GALAXY X is a CONVOLUTION SYNTHESIZER, bringing an extremely powerful and creative sound design tool at your disposal: FX CONVOLUTION

A total of 50 hand-picked patches are included in this demo.


From the creators of TITAN comes the ultimate collection of sounds for electronic music in one virtual instrument!

A total of 38 patches are represented in the demo version, divided into the German and English versions.

Epic World – Cinematic Landscapes by Eduardo Tarilonte is the perfect tool for composers and sound designers to create ambiences for films, documentaries, video games and new age music.

The demo version contains a selection of inspiring drones, pads and SFX, as well as playable percussion and mystical Ney phrases.

K-Size Engine – Four highly acclaimed K-Size products in one pack. Powered by the easy to use interface of the famous ENGINE 2 sampler! Have access to 8600 finest up-to-date club loops & sounds available for Tech House, Techno, Progressive House & Minimal and every genre in between! This is the ultimate source for the freakiest grooves, breaks and an overload of loops and samples for your Club production! ENGINE 2 offers a very flexible and comfortable access to all the sounds and loops.

Discover a wide selection of numerous loops and authentic sounds of this secret weapon in this demo!

Gu Zheng – For the first time, a Chinese instrument was sampled with great care by local Chinese music producers, who have a natural understanding of their culture and a sole passion for expressing the true quality of Chinese instruments.

This demo offers all included articulations with limited playing range.

The audio demos were created with the full version of the products and do not represent the possibilities of the demo versions.

A witch says,

Use with our ENGINE release.

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