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Black Octopus Nairobi Rhythms WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 15 March 2024 | 678.65 MB

隆重推出我们的最新系列“内罗毕节奏”——精心制作的东非循环和样本集合。 在内罗毕发现,在内罗毕录制,在内罗毕混音,并使用东非乐器演奏。 只能说,我们对此感到非常自豪!

这些稀有的弦乐器以活泼的尼亚提提 (Nyatiti) 到美丽的阿敦古 (Adungu) 等各种乐器和声音为特色,与更熟悉的康加鼓、现场鼓、摇摇器和打击乐等声音和谐地融为一体。 每一个音符和节奏都体现了内罗毕音乐场景的独特精髓。

这些声音是通过与肯尼亚内罗毕的知名公司和录音室 Supersonic Africa 合作而得以实现的。 来自内罗毕的才华横溢的音乐家创作了这些声音,包括以吉他和 Adungu 技巧而闻名的 Benjamin Kabaseke; Tugi Mlamba,吉他和贝斯大师; Sean Peevers,通过吉他、键盘、贝斯和打击乐做出贡献; 以及 Nyatiti 演奏专家 Makadem。 每位艺术家的热情和专业知识都熠熠生辉。

261 样品


Introducing our latest collection, ‘Nairobi Rhythms’ – an expertly crafted collection of East African loops & samples. Found in Nairobi, recorded in Nairobi, mixed in Nairobi and performed using East African instruments. Let’s just say, we’re very proud of this one!

Featuring instruments and sounds ranging from the lively Nyatiti to the beautiful Adungu, these rare stringed instruments blend harmoniously with the more familiar sounds of congas, live drums, shakers, and percussion. The unique essence of Nairobi’s music scene is captured in every note and rhythm.

These sounds were brought to life through a collaboration with Supersonic Africa, a renowned company and recording studio in Nairobi, Kenya. The talented musicians from Nairobi who produced these sounds include Benjamin Kabaseke, known for his skill with guitars and the Adungu; Tugi Mlamba, a master of guitars and bass; Sean Peevers, contributing through guitar, keys, bass, and percussion; and Makadem, an expert Nyatiti player. Each artist’s passion and expertise shines through.

261 Samples

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