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Black Octopus Sound New York Flash WAV-DISCOVER


Basement Freaks 与 Concord Audio 合作进行了第二次合作“纽约闪电”!这个传奇的系列充满了纯 70 年代的声音,将为您的音乐注入一些灵魂。深受纽约之家音乐界和世界著名迪斯科俱乐部 Studio 54 的影响(想想昆西·琼斯、乔治·莫罗德)。这个包带来了迪斯科和房子的精华,让热门歌曲接连不断。这个庞大的库包含超过 1 GB 的时髦声音,包括摇摆琴键、充满活力的贝司、有力的鼓和富有表现力的吉他。

这些活泼的声音由来自汉堡的 3 位专业爵士音乐家演奏,同时在 Concord Audio Don “Felix 和他的好朋友 DJ Suro(来自汉堡的先锋放克和嘻哈 Dj 和制作人)的指导下即兴演奏。 ADT(德国 SSL)上的线麦克风,配备外置设备,最好的固态技术。然后这些会议被交付到 Basement Freaks 手中,因为他的专业知识有创意。

自 2010 年代以来,Basement Freaks 一直是国际 Disco Funk 界的顶级球员之一,当时他们在周六晚上的香巴拉音乐节上登台亮相。被誉为最多产的盗版者之一,熟练地制作了 300 多个 mashup,获得了超过 500 万次播放和大量下载。 Basement Freaks 清楚地知道如何选择完美的样本来制作热门曲目。那么,您还在等什么,用“New York Flash”让您沉浸其中,并为您的收藏添加一些高品质的放克音乐!

……:::::: 产品规格 ::::::……
• 格式:(.WAV)
• 017 x 低音吉他循环
• 075 x 鼓循环
• 029 x 吉他 Loop
• 128 x 键盘循环
• 010 x 音乐循环
• 050 x 鼓单拍
• 001 x FX 一次性
• 015 x 吉他一击
• 029 x Keys One Shot
• 018 x 舔一击
• 总共 372 个文件
• 关键和节奏标签
• 完全掌握混音
• 44.1kHz/16 位高质量
• 兼容所有 DAW
• PC 和 Mac 兼容
• 100% 免版税


Basement Freaks has partnered with Concord Audio for their second collaboration ‘New York Flash’! This legendary collection is loaded with pure 70s sounds, that will inject some soul into your music. Heavily influenced by the New York House music scene and the world famous disco club, Studio 54 (think Quincy Jones, Giorgio Moroder). This pack brings the best of both disco and house to keep the hits flowing one after another. Packed with over 1 gigabyte of funky sounds, this massive library includes swinging keys, energetic basses, punchy drums, and expressive guitars.

These lively sounds were played by 3 professional Jazz musicians from Hamburg while improvising under the direction of Concord Audio Don “Felix and his good friend DJ Suro (Pioneer Funk & Hip Hop Dj & Producer from Hamburg). Recorded in the studio with top of the line microphones on an ADT (German SSL) with outboard gear, the best of Solid State Technology. These sessions were then delivered into the hands of Basement Freaks, for his expertise creative touch.

Basement Freaks has been one of the top players in the international Disco Funk scene since the 2010’s, when they headlined Saturday night at Shambhala Festival. With a reputation as one of the most prolific bootlegers, expertly producing over 300 mashups and gaining over 5 million plays and numerous downloads. Basement Freaks clearly knowns how to select the perfect samples to make a hit track. So what are you waiting for, get you groove on and add some high quality funk to your collection with ‘New York Flash’!

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: (.WAVs)
• 017 x Bass Guitar Loops
• 075 x Drum Loops
• 029 x Guitar Loops
• 128 x Keyboard Loops
• 010 x Music Loops
• 050 x Drum One-Shots
• 001 x FX One-Shot
• 015 x Guitar One-Shots
• 029 x Keys One-Shots
• 018 x Licks One-Shots
• 372 x Files In Total
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• Complete Fully Mastered Mix
• 44.1kHz/16-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible
• 100% Royalty-Free

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