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Black Octopus Sound Progressive Dimensions WAV-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 01 Aug 2023 | 513.9MB

旨在拓展您的音乐视野并带您进入令人上瘾的波长,拥有近 200 种声音,可用于创作令人费解的前卫浩室、旋律 Techno 或 trance 曲目,准备好通过“Progressive Dimensions”调入全新的鼓舞人心的音景!

“Progressive Dimensions”的创作者是一位来自德国的多金认证音乐制作人和声音设计师,仅在 Spotify 上就有超过 5000 万次流媒体播放。 他的艺术家二人组“minds&machines”和他的声音设计公司“DNA Sounds”。 他的音乐名单包括为 Axwell Ingrosso、Ali Gati、Kollegah、Ayliva、You not Us、Lizot 等艺术家提供的各种工作,以及他自己的艺术家二人组“minds&machines”和他的公司 DNA Sounds。

他的音乐生涯始于古典钢琴教育,然后继续学习爵士乐即兴创作、记谱和作曲、A 吉他和电子吉他。 在高中转向制作和音响工程之前,他还自学了如何打鼓,然后从 SAE 学院毕业并获得了荣誉学士学位。 毕业后,他担任音乐制作人、作曲家和声音设计师/工程师,从事制作、录音、电影配乐、后期制作和歌曲创作等工作。

“Progressive Dimensions”内部是制作精美且高度情绪化的乐器样本,其中包括一系列丰富的声音,唤起敬畏和惊奇的感觉。 令人难以忘怀的美丽钢琴、精致的音乐盒、华丽的弦乐、雄伟的管风琴、空灵的合唱团、神秘的钟声、有节奏的打击乐,甚至神秘的迪吉里杜管,提供了一系列美丽的旋律元素来感动您的听众。

Drum one shot 涵盖了各种节奏和风格,包括饱满的底鼓、紧密的踩镲、清脆的拍手声和独特的打击乐声音,不错过任何一个节拍。 另外,干净且富有节奏感的鼓循环提供了一个轨道基础,可以方便地分解为完整的混合循环、踢循环、剥离打击乐循环和顶部循环。

合成器样本已准备好创建复杂的旋律,具有迷人的主音、高亢的音序和大气垫,将您的曲目带到音乐性的新维度。 还有 FX 可以为您的作品添加多个音调维度,而漫长、不断变化的氛围将通过环境、旋律和情感声音将您的听众带到新的音乐维度,为您的曲目带来真正身临其境的感觉。

“Progressive Dimensions”由专业声音设计师创建,提供了超越平凡的尖端声音宝库,将您的音乐提升到情感深度和表现力的新高度。 无论您是在创作令人难以忘怀的美丽电影配乐、制作令人回味的 trance 曲目,还是为您的房屋或 trance 制作添加一丝超凡脱俗的魔力,“Progressive Dimensions”中的这些样本一定会激发您的灵感并着迷。

193 总声音
49 鼓循环
12 个完整的鼓循环
12 个踢循环
13 顶部循环
12 个打击乐循环
32 个合成器循环
29 鼓一击
5 拍手
5 踩镲
12 踢
7 打击一击
24 个人声循环
21 个低音循环
15 种乐器
10 种气氛
10 外汇


Designed to stretch your musical horizons and take you to addictive wavelengths, with nearly 200 sounds for creating mind-bending, progressive house, melodic Techno or trance tracks, get ready to tune into a whole new inspiring soundscape with ‘Progressive Dimensions’!

‘Progressive Dimensions’ creator, is a multi gold certified music producer and Sound designer from Germany with an excess of 50 million streams on Spotify alone. his artist duo ‘minds&machines’ and his sound design company ‘DNA Sounds ‘. His musical roster consists of various jobs for artists such as Axwell Ingrosso, Ali Gati, Kollegah, Ayliva, You not Us, Lizot and many others, plus his own artist duo ‘minds&machines’ and his company DNA Sounds.

Starting his musical career with a classical piano education, then going on to learn jazz improvisation, notation and composition, A- and E-guitar. He also taught himself how to play the drums, before he moved onto production and sound engineering in highschool, and then he graduated from the SAE Institute with a BA Honors. After studies he’s been working as a music producer, composer and sound designer/engineer ranging from jobs based in production, recordings, film scoring, post production and songwriting.

Inside ‘Progressive Dimensions’ is exquisitely produced and highly emotive instrument samples that include a rich array of sounds that evoke a sense of awe and wonder. The hauntingly beautiful Pianos, delicate Music boxes, lush Strings, majestic Organs, ethereal Choirs, mystical Bells, rhythmic Percussions and even a enigmatic Didgeridoo provide a beautiful selection of melodic elements to move your listeners.

Never miss a beat with Drum one shots that cover a wide range of tempos and styles, including full bodied kicks, tight hi-hats, crisp claps and unique percussive sounds. Plus the clean and highly rhythmic Drum loops provide a track foundation that is conveniently broken down into full mix loops, kick loops, stripped percussive loops, and top loops.

The moody Vocal samples provide another layer of emotion to your tracks, featuring male vocals in wet, dry and vocoder effected, that are intricately processed with some samples including doubles and harmony layers.
The Synth samples are ready to create intricate melodies with captivating leads, soaring sequences and atmospheric pads that will take your tracks to new dimensions of musicality. There’s also FX to add multiple tonal dimensions to your productions, while the long, evolving Atmospheres will transport your listeners to new musical dimensions with ambient, melodic, and emotive sounds that give your tracks a truly immersive feel.

Created by an expert sound designer, ‘Progressive Dimensions’ offers a treasure trove of cutting-edge sounds that transcends the ordinary and elevates your music to new heights of emotional depth and expressiveness. Whether you’re composing a hauntingly beautiful film score, crafting an evocative trance track, or adding a touch of otherworldly magic to your house or trance production, these samples from ‘Progressive Dimensions’ are sure to inspire and captivate.

Pack Contents
193 Total Sounds
500+ MB
49 Drum Loops
12 Full Drum Loops
12 Kick Loops
13 Top Loops
12 Percussion Loops
32 Synth Loops
29 Drum One Shots
5 Claps
5 Hihats
12 Kick
7 Percussion One Shots
24 Vocal Loops
21 Bass Loops
15 Instruments
10 Atmospheres
10 FX

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