File Size: 28.12 MB
FreeRIP MP3 Converter PRO是帶有功能的高級CD到MP3轉換器。 FreeRIP的核心是從CD讀取音頻,并允許您将它們以多種數字格式(包括WMA,MP3,Ogg,Wav或FLAC音頻文件)保存到計算機中(此過程稱爲CD翻錄或CD到MP3轉換)。使用FreeRIP可以輕松地将CD音頻收藏轉換爲數字音頻文件:下載并安裝FreeRIP,将音頻CD放入計算機/計算機的CD驅動器中,運行FreeRIP并單擊Rip按鈕。
FreeRIP MP3 Converter PRO還是音頻和MP3轉換器。它可以将MP3和其他音頻文件從一種格式轉換爲另一種格式。例如,FreeRIP可以将音頻文件從WMA轉換爲MP3,或将OGG轉換爲MP3,将FLAC轉換爲MP3或将WAV轉換爲FLAC等。
将數字音軌保存爲首選格式後,可以輕松将其加載到您喜歡的音頻播放器(例如,便攜式MP3播放器,例如Apple iPod™,Creative Zen Player™或Sony Walkman™)。您還可以将曲目移至高級手機,或将其刻錄到MP3 CD,以收聽MP3汽車立體聲,家用立體聲或Discman™。
FreeRIP MP3 Converter PRO支持名爲FLAC的高質量無損壓縮,它被發燒友廣泛使用和支持。如果要确保将所有最豐富的細節保存在音軌中,請以FLAC格式保存它們。
FreeRIP還是高級MP3标記編輯器(支持ID3 v1和v2),并且包括快捷方式,隻需單擊一下即可在網上查找曲目信息(如歌詞或完整标題)。這使對整個館藏進行分類變得簡單而容易…..
FreeRIP MP3 Converter PRO is an advanced CD to MP3 Converter that comes packed with features. At its core, FreeRIP reads audio from your CDs and allows you to save them to your computer in a variety of digital formats including WMA, MP3, Ogg, Wav, or FLAC audio files (this process is known as CD ripping or CD to MP3 conversion). Converting your CD audio collection to digital audio files is a breeze with FreeRIP: download and install FreeRIP, put your audio CD into your com/puter’s CD drive, run FreeRIP and click on the Rip button.
FreeRIP MP3 Converter PRO is also an audio and MP3 converter. It can convert MP3 and other audio files from one format to another. For example FreeRIP can convert audio files from WMA to MP3, or OGG to MP3, FLAC to MP3 or WAV to FLAC and so on.
Once you have your digital audio tracks saved in your preferred format, it’s easy to load them to your favorite audio player (e.g. a portable MP3 player such as an Apple iPod™, Creative Zen Player™ or Sony Walkman™). You can also move tracks to an advanced mobile phone, or burn them to a MP3 CD’s to listen in your MP3 car stereo, home stereo or Discman™.
FreeRIP MP3 Converter PRO supports the high quality, lossless compression named FLAC, which is widely used and supported by audiophiles. If you want to be sure to save all the richest details in your audio tracks, save them in the FLAC format.
FreeRIP is also an advanced MP3 tag editor (supporting ID3 v1 and v2) and includes shortcuts to find track info (like lyrics or complete title) on the web, with just one click. This makes cataloging your entire collection simple and easy……….