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Certified Audio Abstract Lo-Fi WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 12 January 2025 | 392.68 MB


欢迎来到抽象低保真,里面的一切都是完全破坏和完全无用的为您的Trip Hop x嘻哈和低保真制作!


从破坏性的钢琴到摇摇欲坠的铃铛和采摘,令人毛骨悚然的合成器和器官到肮脏的未切割的低音循环,有机扭曲的打击乐循环到复古鼓循环,带着破碎的磁带酱,可以让你整夜摇着头,这独一无二的包绝对是完美的,在你的期待中增加你的Trip Hop x Hip Hop x Lo-Fi节拍!





•462 MB


You ever think what would tape sound like if it was completely destroyed by distortion and then resurrected again just to be destroyed again?

Welcome to Abstract Lo-Fi where everything is inside comes completely destroyed and utterly useless for your Trip Hop x Hip Hop and Lo-Fi productions!

We wanted to demolish not just drums and percussion for your convenience but also both the melodies and the bass as well to give you the full spectrum of total chaos as you unless sheer destruction upon those dirty beats!

From destructive piano’s to wobbling bells and plucks, haunting eerie synth’s and organs to dirty raw uncut bass loops, organic distorted percussion loops to throwback drum loops laced with broken tape sauce that could make you bob your head to all night this one of a kind packs is absolutely perfect in your looking to spice up your Trip Hop x Hip Hop x Lo-Fi beats!

All the samples were recorded in 24-bit 44 khz and all the samples come Royalty Free for all your Commercial Use Needs!

Pack Contents:

•95 Total Loops (All Tempo x Key Labeled)
•30 Melody Loops (Piano’s, Synths, Organs, Bells, Guitars)
•20 Bass Loops (Includes Synth, Electric n Sub Bass)
•45 Drum Loops (Includes Both Full n Tops)
•5 Percussion Loops
•85 One Shot Samples
•13 Kicks
•22 Claps n Snares
•25 Hats n Cymbals
•10 Percussion
•15 FX (Soundscapes, Organic Hits, Risers, etc…)
•24-bit 44 khz Audio Quality
•Royalty Free Samples

Total Number Of Files:

•462 MB


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