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Cockos REAPER 7.07 WIN

File Size: 15 MB

REAPER 是一款功能强大但实用的 Windows 应用程序,可让您录制、排列、编辑和渲染多轨波形音频。 它提供了广泛的功能集,但它是一个非常小且轻量级的应用程序(安装程序小于 1 兆字节,并且包括许多效果和示例项目)。 REAPER 支持 ASIO、Kernel Streaming、WaveOut 和 DirectSound 进行播放和录音。 它读取 WAV、OGG 和 MP3 文件,并录制 WAV 文件。 您可以在任意数量的轨道中排列任意数量的项目,并使用音频处理插件(DirectX 和 Jesussonic)。 REAPER 还支持音量、平移控制和每个轨道的包络、多层撤消/重做以及用户可创建的颜色主题…………


REAPER is a powerful but sensible Windows application that lets you record, arrange, edit, and render multi-track waveform audio. It provides an extensive set of features, but is a very small and lightweight application (the installer is less than 1 megabyte, and includes many effects and a sample project). REAPER supports ASIO, Kernel Streaming, WaveOut, and DirectSound for playback and recording. It reads WAV, OGG, and MP3 files, and records WAV files. You can arrange any number of items in any number of tracks and use audio processing plug-ins (DirectX and Jesusonic). REAPER also supports volume, pan controls and envelopes per track, multi-layer undo/redo, and user creatable color themes……………

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