Team DECiBEL | 22 Aug 2023 | 693.3MB
Cycles & Spots 将他们在扭曲怪异声音设计方面的专业知识转移到了 House Music 中,这个样本包包含 400 个循环。
这些样本分为节拍、合成和合成打击乐三类。 所有这些都具有实验性的特征,给你不寻常的节奏和声音。
内容非常完美,不创造典型的 House / Techno 氛围,而是提供前沿的签名。
400 个 Wav 循环:
100 个节拍循环
200 个合成器循环
100 个 Synth Perc 循环
Cycles & Spots transfered their expertise in twisted weird sound design to House Music with this sample pack featuring 400 loops.
The samples are devided into the categories beat, synth and synthetic percussion. All of these have an experimental character giving you unusual rhythmic and sound.
The content is perfect to create not the typical House / Techno vibe but instead providing a cutting edge signature.
Use single loops or combine multiple ones to create or finish your productions.
Pack Contents:
400 Wav Loops:
100 Beat Loops
200 Synth Loops
100 Synth Perc Loops
Total Number Of Files:
1.03 GB